
TWAS-CASAREP-NIAS Science Diplomacy Workshop 2022

Deadline: 31st of July, 2022

The World Academy of Sciences is a merit-based science academy created for developing nations that brings together 1,000 scientists from about 70 nations. Its main objective is to advance scientific excellence and capability for sustainable development in developing countries.

Workshop on “Science Diplomacy” will be held from September 12–16, 2022, by the TWAS Central & South Asia Regional Partner (TWAS-CASAREP) and National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore, in collaboration with the Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS), Nepal Academy of Science & Technology (NAST), and Uzbekistan Academy of Science (UAS). The workshop will be conducted online. The foundation of science diplomacy is the promise that scientific collaboration may enhance international relations.

It uses the global language of science and technology (S&T) to engage nations and strengthen bonds between them for the mutual benefit of all people. Science diplomacy is an effort to improve world relations for more effective use. Using scientific, technical, and intellectual cooperation across nations, regions, and communities to address shared problems and create strong international alliances is of utmost significance

The workshop will provide participants the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the following:

  • Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • To learn more about science diplomacy from leading researchers and practitioners around the globe.
  • Closing the worldwide access to healthcare gap.
  • Lessons from Central and South Asia for Science Diplomacy (CASA).
  • South Asia’s healthcare systems include national, regional, and international institutions (CASA).
  • Organizations that manage disasters.
  • Both relief and long-term recovery.
  • Search and rescue cooperation.
  • Risk mitigation, early warning systems, and communication.
  • Disaster risk reduction and space collaboration.
  • Localized energy grids.
  • Making energy clean, efficient, and affordable.
  • Transfer of technology and the use of renewable energy.
  • Equity, carbon neutrality, and CASA.
  • CASA’s efforts to fulfill the energy-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
  • Lessons learned from public health initiatives.


The Workshop is open to two categories of applicants:

  1. Researchers in their early careers who are 40 years of age or younger and whose work has global policymaking applications or ramifications.
  2. Those involved in policymaking, working on science, technology, and innovation issues, or interested in some significant science themes that may impact their job are referred to as “science diplomacy ambassadors.” This individual may fall under one of the following groups:
    – A representative of an academy of sciences at the supervisory level, a local or national government official, a policymaker, a diplomat, a civil servant, the administrators of a research institution or a representative of a research funding institution, and staff or an expert working for and with an international organization (such as the UN).

Selection Criteria

  • Applications from women are especially welcomed.
  • Applications are especially welcomed by those in South and Central Asia’s Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLC).
  • Since the course will be taken online, candidates must have access to a computer and a quick, dependable internet connection in a quiet, secluded area to participate (e.g., home or office).
  • It is advised to attend the event using a PC or laptop rather than a phone or tablet.
  • to review the applications, CASAREP and its associate organizations will form an expert committee.
  • Upon request, a small donation can be made to assist in guaranteeing good connectivity (for example, an internet connection fee, the rental of a modem, or a room with a computer setup). The purchase of computers, laptops, or other hardware is not supported.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.

How to Apply?

  • Online forms must be used to submit applications.
  • When you upload files and complete the form, your name, and profile picture from your Google account will be saved. Your response does not include your email.
  • Please submit your application together with your resume, a JPEG file of yourself, and a scan of your passport, even if it is already expired (only the page with personal details is required).with your resume, a JPEG file of yourself, and a scan of your passport, even if it has Please provide your name and last name exactly as they appear on your passport while filling out the form. (Please upload on the final page).

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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