
The Deutschland stipendium ( Scholarship ) 2023

Deadline: Unspecified

High-achieving students are supported by the Deutschlandstipendium at all German universities that take part. The recipient’s nationality and personal or parental income are not factors in the scholarship decision, either. In order to qualify for grants under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), the scholarship funds are not considered. Social insurance contributions are not required.

The Deutschlandstipendium offers high-achieving and devout students from all around the world financial and non-material help. Businesses, foundations, or private individuals fund young talent with a monthly pledge of 150 euros, following the model of a public-private partnership. This sum is matched by the federal government with an additional 150 euros. But there’s more than that: Through parallel mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and other means, numerous universities and private sponsors also assist Deutschlandstipendium recipients.

More and more institutions of higher education and private sponsors are offering additional non-financial support in connection with the Deutschlandstipendium. Mentoring programmes, networking events and internships allow scholarship holders to establish valuable contacts to businesses and gain insight into work life.

Funding is normally granted for at least two semesters but may be provided for a maximum time which covers the standard period of study. At intervals of two semesters the university reviews whether the scholarship holder still meets the award criteria and whether private funding will continue to be available


  • 150 euros per month. The Federal Government matches this amount with another 150 euros.
  • 300 euros per month for international top-class talents.


  • Applicants must meet the requirements of the individual institutions.
  • In addition to academic achievement, the criteria for selecting scholarship recipients include social commitment and personal achievements, such as a student overcoming challenges or obstacles in his or her social or family background.




  • The Deutschlandstipendium is awarded by the universities. So, interested students should first apply to their preferred universities for admission.

Click here to apply

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