
Rootcamp Startup Accelerator Programme 2023 (up to €50,000 in funding)

Deadline: 16th of January, 2023

The Rootcamp Startup Accelerator Programme 2023 is now accepting applications. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on helping you scale your concept to its full potential while also assisting you in creating an international network of top VCs, business angels, and first-rate corporate partners.

For entrepreneurs in the early stages, the program includes a three-month acceleration phase that gives you access to the ecosystem, all available learning materials, and financing to get you investor-ready. Following that, you will have the option to get an extra nine months to further develop, refine, and test your product or technology with the help of business partners.

For Later-stage startups: You will get a 3 to 12 months period to get real market validation. The goal is
to have your solution implemented within the corporate real-world environment through pilot projects
and accelerate your growth. You profit either from a new variant of your product/technology or from new
customers to enter the European market.

Target Areas:

  • Agriculture Biotechnology
  • Agribusiness marketplaces
  • Bioenergy & Biomaterial
  • Farm Management Software, Sensing or IoT, Farm Robotics
  • Mechanization & Equipment
  • Innovative Food & Ingredient
  • Supply chain solutions
  • Green B2B Packaging
  • Logistics of agricultural or food products
  • Novel Farming Systems and Community solutions


  • Personalized programme: They designed the programme around your needs to help you
    achieve your goals. They focus the programme on all aspects relevant for you such as legal &
    tax, marketing & PR, sales & internationalization, IT & HR.
  • Working space: You will have an office to work for free in Hannover. In addition, a strategic
    partner K+S can offer lab space in Wunstorf at the Innopark Sigmundshall.
  • Expertise: An extensive network of experts in all fields as well as personalized coaching
    sessions and an online learning platform.
  • Focus on implementation: You will work together with big companies, such as K+S, and get
    traction through pilot projects.
  • Capital and equity free: You can get up to 50k euro in funding, while you keep 100%
    ownership of your startup.


  • You are change makers and entrepreneurs, who are passionate, committed and forward
    looking. The main selection criteria are you, your team and your ideas.
  • Your startup has a solution in the B2B Agri-Food Tech sector in the so-called upstream area
    of the value chain. The target areas are: Agriculture Biotechnology; Agribusiness
    marketplaces; Bioenergy & Biomaterial; Farm Management Software, Sensing or IoT, Farm
    Robotics; Mechanization & Equipment; Innovative Food & Ingredients; Supply chain
    solutions; Green B2B Packaging; Logistics of agricultural or food products; Novel Farming
    Systems and Community solutions.
  • They accept startups from all around the world and from all stages (pre-seed, seed, or late
    stage startup).
  • They require participants to be fluent in business English, but application can be in German


Be ready to upload your current and up-to-date pitch deck as a PDF (10-15 slides) or pitching video (7-
10min). Your pitch should include all typical information: What is the problem? What is your solution
(product or service)? Who are customers? What is the size of the market? Who are competitors? How do
you make money? Who are you (team)? What do your action plan and financial planning look like?

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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