
QARIB Journalism Awards 2023

Deadline: 1st of August, 2023

The Qarib Journalism Awards aim to recognize and promote journalism that amplifies underrepresented voices and topics. The awards prioritize the coverage of women, marginalized groups and environmental issues while maintaining the highest ethical and journalistic standards. This includes challenging stereotypes about the role of female journalists. Women continue to be underrepresented in political, security, and economic reporting, and thus their perspectives on these issues relevant to society as a whole. In addition, the awards aim to elevate the voices of other socioeconomically, religiously and ethnically marginalized groups. Climate change as well as environmental issues in general that affect all members of Middle Eastern society, are also not sufficiently covered despite their relevance. To help improve this and honor those journalists from Iraq, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon who cover these topics, we are launching the 2023 Qarib Journalism Awards.

The categories:

  • Best coverage of security and politics by female journalists
  • Best business and economy reporting by female journalists
  • Best reporting on climate change and the environment
  • Best coverage of minorities
  • Special price: Best reporting concept and travel stipend for the UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 in December 2023 Dubai


In each category, Qarib will award three winners:

  • 2000 USD for the first place,
  • 1500 USD for the second place,
  • 1000 USD for the third place.

The special price for the best reporting concept for the COP 28 in Dubai will include a full travel stipend, including costs for board and lodging for up to seven days during the climate conference in December.

The 15 award winners will be honored at a ceremony in Amman on October 12th, 2023. The Qarib program will cover all expenses for the winners to attend the event.


  • Practicing individual freelance journalists, teams of journalists and staff journalists from media outlets in Palestine, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon are eligible to apply.
  • All journalistic formats and forms are eligible, i.e. videos, print and online articles, radio reports and podcasts as well as TV and multimedia reports, columns, feature and investigative reports.
  • Submitted contributions must have been published between 01 November 2022 and the end of the application period on 01 August 2023.

Selection criteria:

The seven-member jury will consist of experienced media professionals from  the Middle East, representatives of CFI, CSOs, and think tanks. They will apply the following criteria:

  1. Representation: How well does the reporting represent marginalized voices and topics, particularly those of women, socioeconomically and ethnically marginalized groups as well as climate change related issues.
  2. Originality: The award recognizes original, creative and innovative approaches to format and reporting, particularly those that break stereotypes and challenge traditional narratives.
  3. Accuracy and depth of the reporting.
  4. Ethical Standards of the reporting, particularly in terms of impartiality, fairness, and balance.
  5. Public Service: The jury also considers how the reporting served the public interest, particularly by providing valuable information and analysis to the public.


  1. Fill in the application template. Note that the written content must be translated into English, for the audio content an English summary must be provided, the video content must have English subtitles. Eventual expenses must be borne by the applicants and have to be taken into account when applying.
  2. Add your CV
  3. Send it no later than 01 August 2023 at 8:00 PM Amman time to


  • Application deadline: 01 August 2023 at 08:00 PM Amman
  • Notification of winners by 15 September 2023
  • Award ceremony in Amman on 12 October 2023

Click here to apply

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