
Mekong Commons Grants for Writing Workshop 2023

Deadline: 21st of December, 2022

The Mekong Commons Grants for Writing Workshop 2023 are now accepting applications. The Mekong Commons writeshop seeks to unite Mekong writers and researchers in order to foster critical thinking and teach them how to conceive, draft, and complete gripping tales about contemporary environmental and development issues in the Mekong Region.

Local community reporters and writers with less experience or who are just starting out will be given precedence. They are especially interested in stories that connect the ecological, social, and developmental themes of the Mekong Common to issues that include perspectives on disability, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, and gender. The seminar will be held in February 2023.


Selected applicants will receive a grant to participate in the online writeshop to learn about
writing engaging stories, and to plan, research and finish their article.
Their final articles will be edited and published by the in the
subsequent months.


Open for all writers and researchers based in the Mekong Region to build their writing                                        capacity and produce a written story on current environmental and development issues
about the Mekong Region.


To apply (in English) submit:

  • A 300-word summary (pitch) of your proposed story
  • One relevant photograph of the relevant place
  • A quote from someone you interviewed who is in the story
  • Explain (in not more than 250 words) why this story is important to you
  • Your brief biography (no more than 100 words) of your current work and/or background

By the end of the three-day online writeshop, which involves short lectures and mentored breakout
groups with experienced writers, applicants will be able to finish their articles. Therefore, applicants need
to come prepared to the workshop with an overview of the environmental topic they plan to write about
including key story elements: main idea, photographs and quotes from interviews). They will support
writers with editorial assistance and publish the final articles in

Application form can be downloaded here. For inquiries or to submit the application, send email

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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