
Mastercard Start Path Global for Startups

Deadline: Ongoing

The internationally recognized and award-winning Mastercard Start Path Global program supports forward-thinking, later-stage companies from all across the world. Through unmatched access to Mastercard’s technology, solutions experience, and global partners, it helps later-stage tech businesses to scale more quickly.

Since 2014, they have collaborated with a portfolio of businesses that keeps expanding and offers distinctive fintech and commerce solutions. Start Path Global is based on the principles that have shown to be most effective for their portfolio of startups: greater flexibility, greater customizability, and no interruptions to your ongoing operations.

What they Offer startups through the program:

  • Rapid path to scale
  • Dedicated support
  • Unparalleled access to channels + customers
  • Strategic investment

What they offer corporate members:

  • Global startup sourcing and engagement
  • Access to Mastercard’s annual Start Path Summit
  • Thought leadership and trend insights
  • Quarterly innovation review


Key features of the program:

  • Six months virtual program tailored to the individual needs of your company
  • No need to move from your home location
  • Took no equity up front (but an option to take part in your next round)
  • Immediate access to 60+ Mastercard experts
  • Connections to potential customers–global corporate brands spanning banking, retail, tech and telecoms
  • Funds provided so that you have no out-of-pocket expenses
  • Receive support from a dedicated sponsor–a Mastercard insider – who creates a pipeline that is unique and relevant to each startup, and acts as a sounding board and a relationship broker.


Applicants with later stage startups in the broad FinTech and commerce space must meet all the following criteria:

  • Solution – Demonstrated commercial traction, clear product differentiation and competitive advantage.
  • Market – Solving real pain points for your customers, targeting a sizable market.
  • Team – Strong founder team with key roles established, experienced entrepreneurs and/or track record of relevant industry expertise.
  • Funding – Investment raised (seed, Series A, or later) with at least 6-12 months runway, plans to raise next institutional round in the next 18th months.
  • Attitude – Global mentality, open to opportunity and mentoring.

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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