
How to Read More Books

It’s the desire of every growing person to acquire more knowledge for transformation as well as to keep the mind renewed. This is so important to living a life of meaning and impact. It is good you note the goal isn’t just to read more books. But the more your mind is renewed, the more transformation you will experience. So if you are hungry for more transformation, here you go:

  • Decide want you want: Why a lot of persons fail to reach their goals in life is because they don’t have a vision for who they wanted to be or what they want in their lives. Remember the Bible admonishes us to write the vision and make it plain. What do you want in your life? Who do you want to become? If you haven’t decided this, then it will make no sense to you why you should get alone reading when you can watch a movie or engage in conversations that won’t profit you. If you know who you want to be, you Will be willing to make the necessary sacrifices.
  • Determine to make the sacrifices: Deciding who you want to be is never enough. You must go the extra mile to make the necessary sacrifices. Reading is not quite as fun to a lot of persons but I can hardly point to a successful person today who tells their story void of book reading. It’s that serious. It’s a sacrifice to read a lot. While you are in class and there is a break others use in scrolling through social media, you can read. It’s a sacrifice. But it must be made so that you can reach your goals.
  • Discipline yourself to stick to a plan: A good example is “a chapter a day”. It’s that simple. I can read more if I want (which I do often). A lot of persons try to finish a book in a time frame quite unreasonable that’s why they never meet their goals. Then they get tired and put on themselves the identity of a procrastinator. Unwise. Begin with what works best for you. Three pages a day. Five pages. Just choose and discipline yourself to sit down and read. Say no to distractions. Put your phone away. Say no to anything that wants to steal that sacred time.
  • Dig deep and restrategise when the need arises: When you’re finding it difficult to sit down to read, you should actually take your time to dig deep(introspect)  and find out why it’s difficult and then restrategise if there is need or put in more intentionality to your reading. May be you are in a season of life where your schedule is quite choked up, you will have to think up ways unlike the usual. Be willing to use those fifteen minutes between classes, listen to audiobooks while you walk, join a book club, read books summary. Just do anything that suites you best but ensure you keep showing up and renewing your mind.
  • Deploy Accountability: If you’re finding it difficult to stick with your plan, seek accountability. Tell that family member, friend, (not any friend though… One that is intentional about growth as well), classmate, co-worker, people of like passion hat will be willing to support you and carry you along as they read. You can even suggest reading on a regular basis with your friends and meeting to review. You’ll be compelled to read. And hey! Stay true in the process. Be honest with your friends. When it’s being difficult let them know. Don’t just pretend all is fine when all you do is flip through the book few minutes to review.
  • Don’t despise your health: It’s the desire of every growing person to acquire more knowledge for transformation as well as to keep the mind renewed. This is so important to living a life of meaning and impact. It is good you note the goal isn’t just to read more books. But the more your mind is renewed, the more transformation you will experience. So if you are hungry for more transformation, here you go.
  • Development is a process: Never forget this. It’s a process. And the more you read and you see yourself evolving into a better you daily, the more you will want to do more. So don’t get stressed up about where you are today. Stay consistent with your little. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up when it gets difficult. Ask necessary questions  to help you navigate what might be the reason for your inconsistency.


Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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