
Skills to Develop While in College

College comes with a while lots of benefits for students, one of which is the benefits of getting extra curricular knowledge as well as experiences that enables you develop skills you will greatly benefit from even after college. You might be good at some of these already and others might be areas you need to pay attention to. Whatever the case may be, see to it you maximise the opportunity and keep developing these skills daily.

  • SELFLESSNESS: It always begins in the heart before it moves to the hand. Learn to love people and love them unconditionally. It really isn’t easy but it’s totally worth it. You will find out how much benefit it is to your academic pursuits, the people around you and whatsoever task you engage in as a group. People are not perfect but you can see the best in them and help them bring it out. So be willing to love them. And yes, it takes love and selflessness  to volunteer at that non-profit and show up even it is not convenient
  • COLLABORATION: It takes a heart that longs to make a difference and create changes to collaborate. You might not always agree with people but you have to learn to understand who they are and work together with them to achieve a common goal. You don’t have to keep trying to change everyone you work with into what you want. Nobody likes that. When there is a need for correction as you work together, be kind in communicating it. Let them know how much you value them. Also, when that assignment is becoming tasking, you can call a friend and request you all work together on it. It makes it all interesting and fun to do.
  • DISCIPLINE: When do you get up daily? When do you go to bed? What kind of food do you eat? How do you spend your money? What’s you attitude to your health? Your response to these questions tell if you’ve been creating room in your life to learn to be a more disciplined and committed person. Goals are achievable repeatedly when living a disciplined life is prioritized.
  • COMMUNICATION: Every healthy individual is characterized by his or her ability to effectively communicate needs, likes, dislikes and appreciation with respect for the other. Sharpen your communication skill with as many as you work with at school and keep seeking room to do better in communication.
  • FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE: This is so important! Some of our school mates know so much financially but we never think or see the need to ask them. Get financial intelligence. Learn to make money, manage it, multiply it and make changes with it. If you really want to live in abundance today and in the future, create time (probably weekly) and get to work on how you handle money and do the needful to improve in it.
  • STRUCTURING: Learn to live organised. You’ve got classes, work, seminars to attend, friends to have fun with, volunteering to meet up with and so much more. How are you harnessing these to learn to build a life of structure and rhythm so that you can experience the balance you desire? You see, our responsibilities do not reduce as we get older. Much more comes but how we’ve learnt to handle these while in college will be a good way to get prepared for what is to come.
  • LEADERSHIP: The world is craving visionaries who are willing to take the front lines as well as support those who are committed to making society a better place. Are you one? You can be if you are willing to look around you and see how to make what isn’t in the best shape better. You can begin to think ahead for the next generation and make moves that could aid effectiveness in their commitment to their academics and a life of meaning. But it begins with you having the heart of a leader and developing yourself to be at the cutting edge of your endeavors.

College is a blessing! Don’t miss out on all it’s benefits. There is so much more around you to learn from and people to ask questions. Ensure you maximize these while you have them with you.

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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