
GCSP Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security 2024

Deadline: 25th of March 2024

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) has announced the formal launch of the 2024 GCSP Prize for Transformative Futures in Peace and Security.

The award is intended to honor new solutions that have extraordinary potential for tackling peace and security concerns. Applications from any country are invited, with a focus on concepts that are global in scope or thought. Transformative technologies, pandemics, biothreats, autonomous weapons, climate change, human rights, cybersecurity, education, and disarmament are all eligible disciplines.


  • The winners (first, second and third place) will be announced publicly during an event to be held in May 2024.
  • The prize for the application coming in the first position is a fully funded 2-month incubation programme within the GCSP’s Creative Spark in Geneva (worth CHF 15’000) and a certificate of excellence.
  • The two other finalist applications will receive a certificate of recognition.


  • Applications may come from any country, but the potential impact of the concepts submitted should extend beyond national borders in their scope or thinking.
  • Concepts from a wide variety of fields may be eligible for consideration, including, but not restricted to, transformative technologies, pandemics, biothreats, autonomous weapons, climate change, human rights, cybersecurity, education, or disarmament, for example.


Applications must be submitted via the online application form in order to be considered for the prize, and shall include:

a. a project concept abstract of 250 words maximum;
b. a well-developed project concept description which should not exceed 750 words in length;
c. a description of the technical process of the project concept submitted (if applicable);
d. an estimate of the budget required for the project concept;
e. an explanation of how the project concept provides a novel contribution to the field of global peace and security;
f. a description of the short-term and long-term impact of the project concept in the field of global peace and security; g. up to five image files (optional).
7. Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered.
8. Applications must be in English.
9. The deadline for applications is Monday, 25 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC+1, and the winners (first, second and third place) will be announced in May 2024.

Click here to appl;y

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