
African Union Media Fellowship 2023-24

Deadline: Unspecified

The African Union Media Fellowship Programme for 2023-2024 aims to invite passionate African media professionals who use emerging technologies to promote development-focused stories in various media forms.

The fellowship, supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is designed to enhance skills, foster networking and collaboration, and provide access to resources for participants. Through training, mentorship, and hands-on experiences, fellows will sharpen their storytelling abilities, learn new techniques, and gain expertise in utilizing emerging technologies and digital media platforms.

They will also have opportunities to connect and collaborate with industry professionals, experts, content creators, policymakers, and key industry players.

Additionally, fellows will have access to technical resources, tools, equipment, grants, state-of-the-art technology, research materials, and publishing or broadcasting platforms to showcase their work developed during the program.


Certified training from renowned partners and media training institutions Grants that support the creation of in-depth stories and e-books that compile all of these stories. Access to AU senior leadership, high level AU meetings, summits and events; as well as policymakers and AU development partners Exclusive Masterclass with industry professionals Support from experienced mentors and institutions and participation in key events with media industry professionals. International and continental study tours Access to AU Media Fellowship Alumni network

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