
16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

 Deadline: 21st of April, 2024

The 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition is now accepting applications.The sixteenth Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition will follow a hybrid format, with the preliminary virtual rounds (online) taking place from May 14–21, 2024, and the in-person final rounds scheduled to take place from July 15–19, 2024, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.


Applicants must:

  • Be citizens of a commonwealth member state
  • Be studying at a university within a commonwealth member state
  • Demonstrate the need for economic support to participate in the world moot.


  • The World Moot is open to undergraduate and masters students from all universities in the world.
  • Teams of two students (gender diversity is encouraged) from every university in the world are invited to submit heads of argument for a hypothetical human rights case.
  • The best 10 teams from each of the five UN regions are then invited to participate in the online preliminary rounds.
  • The 50 teams (with the highest memorial grades) have to argue the two sides of the hypothetical case, representing, alternatively, both the applicant and the respondent before a ‘bench’ of human rights experts and judges of international tribunals.
  • The 16 best teams proceed to the in-person octofinal rounds, which is presided over by international human rights experts.
  • The competition is presented in English, French, and Spanish.

Venue of the Competition:

  • The ‘round of 24’, quarter-final, semi-final, and final rounds—the ‘oral rounds’—of  the competition are scheduled to be held at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.


  • The competition is held in English, French, and Spanish.

The Christof Heyns Memorial Commonwealth Scholarship

The amount of the Scholarship is 5000 British Pounds. The amount is divided between the two students (oralists) from commonwealth countries who successfully qualify to take part in the preliminary rounds of the World Moot.


Applications must consist of:

  • A letter of motivation
  • At least two letters of support, with referees’ contact details indicated

Submit applications to Dr. Eduardo Kapapelo at,


  • Faculty Registration
    Faculty registration opens 15 December 2023
    Registration closes 21 Apri 2024
  • Release of the hypothetical case to be argued
    15 January 2024
  • Request for clarification of facts
    Submit by 15 February 2024
  • Response to requests for clarification of facts
    Publicised by 11 March 2024
  • Submission of memorials
    Submit by 21 April 2024
  • Announcement of the 50 qualifying teams
    7 May 2024
  • Preliminary Rounds (online)
    14 to 21 May 2024
  • Quarter-finals and Semi-finals and Final Round (in person)
    15 – 19 July 2024

Click here to apply 

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