Wild Animal Initiative Fellowship Programme 2023 (up to $60,000)
Deadline: 1st of January, 2023
The Wild Animal Initiative (WAI) Fellowship Programme 2023 is now accepting applications. Research on wild animal welfare that clearly focuses on fusing animal welfare with the study of wild animals is given fellowships to persons.
The study of wild animal welfare is essentially multidisciplinary. Unfortunately, a lot of wildlife scientists are not aware of developments in welfare sciences, and the opposite is also true. Early career researchers working in both fields have told Wild Animal Initiative (WAI) that they wish they had more opportunities to learn about the other. For instance, animal welfare scientists who feel their training did not give them a foundation in fieldwork, or ecologists who are unaware of how welfare can be measured. Excited to offer a new fellowship is WAI programme that addresses this gap.
Programme Tracks:
- Track 1: Fellow and Mentor Apply Together
Applicants should propose a project that explicitly combines animal welfare and the study of
wild animals. Applicants should identify a desired host institution and a suggested
mentor/advisor(s) before submitting a proposal. Mentors can be from any institution but
applicants should confirm with Wild Animal Initiative whether their selected mentor and
institution are among the pre-approved mentors and host groups/institutions, in preparing
their application. Wild Animal Initiative will evaluate the applicant, the project, and the
proposed host university and mentor for suitability.
Note – If applying through Track 1, both the Principal Investigator (mentor) and
the individual submitting the application (fellow), must be involved in the
application process. - Track 2: Fellow applies with a project idea; Wild Animal Initiative helps identify
mentor/host institution
Applicants should propose a project that explicitly combines animal welfare and the study of
wild animals. Wild Animal initiative will evaluate the proposed project and will suggest an
appropriate host institution and mentor. - Track 3: Fellow applies for a fellowship to work with a pre-approved mentor on a
predefined project
Applicants should review the projects available and submit an application identifying the
project of interest. Track 3 is not yet available, but coming soon.
They offer a stipend of up to $60,000 USD per year for salary and living expenses. Eligible
candidates can request an additional allowance of up to $25,000 USD per year for field work,
consumables and other research related costs.
- Open to applicants at an early-career stage (postdoctoral researchers or anyone within 5
years of receiving a PhD), interested in pursuing a long-term research career in wild animal
welfare. - They particularly encourage applications from communities underrepresented in the
sciences, including but not limited to people of color, people of the global south, selfidentified women, and non-binary individual.
To submit an application, submit the following materials through the online Fellowship EoI form:
- Your CV
- A brief explanation of your career plans.
- A brief statement of your interest in wild animal welfare.
- A 1-2 page concept note outlining the details of your proposed project.
- A brief explanation of how you and your key collaborators are qualified for the proposed
project. - Required for Track 1 applicants only: Letter of Support from your proposed advisor and their
CV uploaded as one file (Only required if you know the host institution and/or advisor). In
the letter your proposed advisor should address the advisor selection criteria.