
Waslitz Global Citizen Award 2024

Deadline: 3rd of June, 2024

Applications for the 2024 Waslitz Global Citizen Award are now being accepted.Celebrating its tenth year, the Waislitz Global Citizen Awards honor individuals for their exceptional work eradicating extreme poverty with yearly cash prizes totaling $250,000.

Global Citizen and the Waislitz Foundation deliver the prizes. The mission of the Waislitz Foundation is to foster creative initiatives that enable people to realize their full potential and significantly improve the world in order to have a positive social influence both locally and worldwide.


  • The 2024 Waislitz Global Citizen Awards feature three awards totaling $250,000.
  • $100,000: Waislitz Global Citizen Award (Grand Prize)
  • $75,000: The Waislitz Global Citizen Disruptor Award
  • $75,000: The Waislitz Global Citizens’ Choice Award
  • In addition to the cash prizes, the three winners will be profiled in editorial pieces that will be featured on the Global Citizen platform and social media.


  • Entrants aged eighteen (18) years of age or older from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply for the awards.

Click here to apply

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