
The Sigma Awards 2024

Deadline: 17th of January, 2024

The data journalism Sigma Awards are returning. The Sigma Awards honor the top international data journalism each year. The Sigma Awards encourage individuals and freelancers, as well as large and small data teams, to submit their best work from the previous year. We get your work, assemble it, evaluate it, and choose the best pieces.

People can comprehend even the most complex facts about the world with the aid of data journalism. Data, satellite imaging, machine learning, and astute use of analytical techniques have recently aided journalists in a multitude of ways, including the documentation of war crimes, conflict reporting, money-laundering disclosure, and the visualization of global warming trends. To educate people, we aim to highlight the groups and individuals that perform exceptional work.


  • There’s a US$5,000 cash prize that will be split among winners.
  • Winning participants will also be invited to Perugia, Italy to attend and take part in the International Journalism Festival 2024.
  • It’s a great opportunity to come and meet fellow journalists from around the world (and eat gelato or pizza – or both – for four days). And finally, all winners will get a certificate suitable for framing.

Note that we have a discretionary fund to help those who can’t afford the flight to Italy, which will be used on a case-by-case basis.


  • It’s free to enter and open to all newsrooms, as well as individuals, around the world.
  • The Sigma Awards platform lets you enter in either of these 8 languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian, and Chinese.
  • You can submit as many entries as you want, as single entries or as a portfolio.
  • There is no category, just like last year, and no set number of winners

Click here to apply

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