
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Women in STEM Traineeship

Deadline: 11th of January, 2024

SEforALL (Sustainable Energy for All) intends to recruit up to 12 competent recent female graduates for the Women in STEM Traineeship.Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) is an international organization that works with leaders in government, business, and civil society to accelerate progress toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), which calls for universal access to sustainable energy by 2030, and the Paris Agreement, which calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to well below 2° Celsius (and aiming for 1.5° Celsius).

Program Details:

SEforALL in collaboration with EM-One Energy Solutions is recruiting 12 recent women graduates for a traineeship programme in Sierra Leone. The traineeship will provide hands-on technical training with a focus on solar energy under the FCDO-funded health electrification project. The primary responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation.
  • PV Systems, Standalone and Off-Grid systems.
  • Integrated Systems.
  • Battery Sizing.
  • Inverter and Charge Controller sizing.
  • Conducting current and voltage measurements and performance characteristics.
  • Solar panel installations.
  • Using simulation software to design PV system dimensions.
  • Assessing site economic viability using measured radiation data.
  • Installing, integrating and commissioning solar systems.
  • Remote monitoring and system maintenance.

Trainees will also be expected to participate in daily activities under the supervision of their focal point, scheduled site visits, workshops, and supplementary training programmes arranged by SEforALL.


  • The SEforALL Traineeship is designed to provide a training opportunity complemented by on-the-job learning, as opposed to a typical SEforALL internship.
  • Trainees will be provided with a fixed stipend to facilitate participation in the programme.
  • Trainees will remain fully responsible for bearing all their costs related to travel, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses connected to their traineeship.


  • Applicants must be 18-35 years of age.
  • Only women applicants will be considered.
  • Recent graduates with bachelor’s or master’s degrees (obtained within the past 2 years) in a STEM field (e.g., sciences, renewable energy, engineering, or related areas). Note that applicants who have not fully completed their degree programme will not be considered.
  • 1-3 years of professional experience in energy, engineering or similar field.
  • Should demonstrate completion of technical education or courses related to the topics covered in the programme as highlighted above.

Desired Qualities

  • Should be highly professional and punctual.
  • Should be willing and able to learn and apply new skills.
  • Should have excellent communication and collaboration skills.
  • Must be available for the entire duration of the training programme.
  • Must be a national or have legal residence and right to work in Sierra Leone


Please make sure that your application includes the following information and documents:

  • A detailed CV (attached to your application online)
  • We recommend candidates include a cover letter on why they should be considered for the opportunity (attached to your application online)

Click here to apply

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