
SanTech Hackathon 2023-24

Deadline: 28th of February, 2024

Ideators and problem solvers, unite!Come participate in FINISH Mondial’s fourth annual hackathon, where they will address the critical issue of recycling greywater for kitchen gardening and sustainable agriculture.

In order to promote sustainable agricultural methods, this hackathon seeks to foster technical innovation and provide solutions for cleaning and recycling graywater from homes. Greywater, or the wastewater from baths, showers, laundry, and sinks, may be converted into an invaluable irrigation resource that lowers water use and the need for freshwater in farming.

The hackathon will focus on four key areas:

  • Greywater Treatment Technologies:

Participants in this focus area can develop cost-effective and efficient greywater treatment systems that can safely clean and disinfect greywater for agricultural use. They could also explore innovative methods for purifying greywater, such as filtration, biological treatment, and disinfection techniques. Innovators could also, under this focus area, consider sustainability, energy efficiency, and ease of maintenance in treatment system designs.

  • Smart Irrigation Systems:

Innovators can create advanced irrigation systems that can be controlled and optimized to distribute treated greywater to kitchen gardens and small farms. They will explore possibilities of incorporating automation and data-driven solutions to optimize water distribution, enhance plant growth, and minimize water usage. They should design user-friendly interfaces for controlling irrigation systems.

  • Sensor and Monitoring Solutions:

Participants can design and develop sensors and monitoring tools that help users track the quality of treated greywater while ensuring that the treated greywater meets the necessary standards for safe agricultural use. The innovations should explore real-time monitoring and reporting solutions to ensure ongoing water quality.

  • Community Engagement and Education:

Innovators can develop outreach programs, educational materials, and awareness campaigns to promote the adoption of greywater recycling for agriculture within communities. This focus area further emphasizes the benefits of sustainable water use, environmental conservation, and resource efficiency. The innovations should provide for community involvement and cooperation in implementing greywater recycling practices.

Join this exciting hackathon and contribute your creativity and expertise to developing groundbreaking technologies that pave the way for a sustainable future. With FINISH Mondial, you can harness the potential of greywater recycling and revolutionize agricultural practices.


  • Opportunity to make a positive impact: Contribute to the development of innovative solutions for greywater recycling and sustainable agriculture, addressing a critical global challenge.
  • Gain valuable skills and experience: Enhance your problem-solving, teamwork, and technical skills in a collaborative and fast-paced environment.
  • Network with experts and peers: Connect with industry leaders, mentors, and fellow participants, expanding your professional network and gaining insights into the field of sanitation technology.
  • Showcase your creativity and innovation: Present your ideas to a panel of judges and potential partners, gaining recognition for your ingenuity and problem-solving abilities.
  • Potential for funding and support: Winning teams will receive funding (€ 5,000 (Five Thousand Euros)), mentorship, and opportunities to further develop their solutions and bring them to market.
  • Gain exposure to the world of sanitation technology: Immerse yourself in the latest trends, technologies, and challenges related to sanitation and sustainable water management.
  • Contribute to a more sustainable future: Be part of a global movement towards sustainable sanitation practices and resource conservation.
  • Experience the thrill of the hackathon challenge: Engage in an exciting and rewarding competition, pushing your creativity and problem-solving skills to the limit.
  • Make a difference in the lives of others: Your contributions could have a direct impact on improving water security, food production, and environmental sustainability in communities around the world.


  • Individuals:

    • Open to undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, professionals, and passionate individuals with an interest in sanitation technology and sustainable agriculture.
    • No prior experience in hackathons is required.
  • Teams:

    • Teams can consist of 2-5 members.
    • Teams can be multidisciplinary, bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise in fields such as engineering, computer science, design, agriculture, environmental science, and public health.

Additional Eligibility Criteria:

  • Commitment:

    • Participants must be committed to attending the entire hackathon event.
    • Participants must be willing to work collaboratively and contribute actively to their team or project.
  • Technical Skills:

    • Basic technical skills are required, such as proficiency in programming languages, data analysis tools, or design software.
  • Creativity and Innovation:

    • Participants should bring a creative and innovative mindset to the hackathon.
    • Participants should be open to exploring new ideas and approaches to solving the challenge of greywater recycling for sustainable agriculture.
  • Passion for Impact:

    • Participants should be passionate about making a positive impact on the world through sanitation technology and sustainable practices.
    • Participants should be committed to developing solutions that address real-world challenges and improve the lives of others.



  • Fill out the online application form
  • Describe your idea, relevance with the challenge, and feasibility of the project within 300-350 words
  • Submit-
    • Relevant technical drawings
    • Bill of Quantity of the technology – if applicable
    • Business Model Canvas
  • Submit-
    • 2 videos (landscape format) of:
      • 60 seconds of footage of your innovation in action
      • 60 seconds interview style explaining how the innovation works
    • 3 photos

Click here to apply 

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