
International AIDS Conference Social Media Advocacy Program 2024

Deadline: 31st of May, 2024

The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) is thrilled to assist young women activists living with HIV in using social media to raise their concerns during the 25th International AIDS Conference in collaboration with Y+ Global and GNP+. All young self-identifying women living with HIV who are interested in honing their social media skills at AIDS 2024 in Munich are welcome to apply, including transgender, intersex, non-binary, and gender-fluid persons.

The goal of the intense eight-week AIDS 2024 Social Media Advocacy Program is to raise the profile and involvement of young people at the conference. As social media journalists, participants will provide material to showcase conference events and advance the main subject, Put People First!

The training will cover social media principles and organizational posts, networking and conference navigation, evidence-based advocacy, and social media takeovers and content planning. The program aims to equip young advocates with social media skills to represent AIDS 2024, expand the reach of vital dialogues on HIV response, and increase awareness of community-led responses through various social media platforms.

Time Commitment:

  • All delegates need to be available for 2-4 hours per week from June 6 to August 15 for training and content creation.
  • During the AIDS 2024 conference from July 22 to July 27, participants will need to commit to 1-2 hours per day for intensive coverage.


  • All participants will receive an incentive of $250.

If you have any questions, please contact

Click here to apply

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