
Grist climate fiction writing story contest 2024

Deadline: 24th of June, 2024, 11:59 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time.

The Grist climate fiction short story competition is now accepting entries.Grist is thrilled to announce the opening of entries for our Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors short story competition, which is in its fourth year.The goal of Imagine 2200 is to encourage authors worldwide to envision a time where the climate issue is resolved and significant advancements are made in the world.

The premise:

Imagine 2200 celebrates stories that envision the next decades to centuries of equitable climate progress, imagining futures of abundance, adaptation, reform, and hope. We are looking for stories that are rooted in creative climate solutions and community-centered resilience, showing what can happen as solutions take root, and stories that offer gripping plots with rich characters and settings, making that future come alive.

In 2,500 to 5,000 words, show us the world you dream of building.


  • The winning writer will be awarded $3,000. The second- and third-place winners receive $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. An additional nine finalists will each receive $300. All winners and finalists will have their story published in an immersive collection on Grist’s website.

How to prep your story file:

  • Your short story should be uploaded as a word document (.doc acceptable; .docx preferred.)
  • Your word document should be named as such: title of your story – YEAR; Ex. Story Title – 2024
  • Your document should not contain any identifying biographical information (including your name).
  • The first page of your document should include your story’s title and word count at the top in Arial 14-point font.
  • The rest of your document should be in Arial 12-point font with double line spacing, and at least one-inch margins.
  • All document pages should include a header in the upper right-hand corner with the correct sequential page number, starting on page 1, and your story’s title.

Click here to apply 

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