
GreenDeal-NET Short-Term Research Fellowships 2023-2024 (Funded)

Deadline: 14th of April, 2023

The GreenDeal-NET Short-Term Research Fellowships 2023–2024 application period is currently open. The short-term research scholarship is especially intended for academics who are studying issues surrounding the governance of the European Green Deal. Researchers will contribute to the knowledge-sharing and idea-cross-fertilization process by participating in the fellowship and joining a growing network of academics and researchers working in the subject.

Each fellow will get the chance to work on their research topic for up to four weeks at a partner institution or research center while interacting with other academics and research communities in their area. These short-term research scholarships are a component of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network “The European Green Deal: Governing the EU’s Transition towards Climate Neutrality and Sustainability” (GreenDeal-NET). A forum for information sharing, cooperation, and discussion in the area of European climate and sustainability governance is provided by GreenDeal-NET.


  • The research visit can last a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days)
  • Each fellow will be awarded a grant of up to 800 EUR to cover their travel and
    accommodation expenses during their stay. Proof of expenses will be required to receive
    the grant.
  • Researchers can either choose to conduct their research visit at one of the 12 European
  • Universities that form the core of the GreenDeal-NET network, or at another academic or
    research institution associated with the project.
  • Only one fellowship can be obtained per researcher.


  • Early-career researchers from around the world can apply if working on topics related to
    the European Green Deal and the complex governance challenges it poses.
  • PhD students and early career Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to receive the grant.


  • Fill in the application form provided (in English), including your motivation for conducting a
    research visit at one of the universities/research centres.
  • Contact the institution where you wish to conduct your visit and send them the filled-out
    application form and a short CV of up to 2 pages (references to any publications can be
    added and go beyond the 2 pages, if applicable).
  • Download the PDF file first to access the contact email address of the host institution,
    otherwise you’ll be wrongly directed to a webpage.
  • Get a written agreement from the host institution to show that they are willing to host you
    (such as an email exchange or a letter).
  • Send the following in a single PDF file to info@greendealnet.eu by April 14, 2023 (23:59,
    Central European Time) with the Subject “Short-Term Research Visit Application”:

    • Filled out the application form;
    • A written agreement from the host institution (such as an email exchange or a letter;
    • A short CV (max. 2 pages)

Click here to apply

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