
GE’DA’ Digital Fellowship 2023

Deadline: 14th of July, 2023

GE’DA’ Digital is a 6-months intensive professional leadership development program designed to empower “Social Impact Leaders” who will continue to build, advocate, and advance the Sustainable Development Goals and the AU Agenda 2063 on the African continent.
It offers you a unique opportunity to learn how to improve your community by acquiring new skills and accessing funds to solve issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals.

This program is for any development professional passionate about building their skills, accessing a new network, achieving social justice, and progress.

It is for you if you are ready to stretch yourself, grow, and be challenged. It welcomes you into a rich and diverse community of third sector leaders who are willing to support you throughout your journey. GE`DA’ Digital is created by Africans for Africans, focusing on YOU, YOUR needs and YOUR organization.


  • Be the founder or hold an executive position within an organization.
  • Be available to commit to attending all sessions.
  • Applicants must be 21 – 55 years. Younger applicants are welcome if they have a strong application.
  • Must be able to attend the launch and graduation event
  • Applicant and social enterprise organization who are interested and ready to scale up their organization.
  • Must be creating positive, direct, and intended impact aligned to one or more of the SDG’s or AU Agenda 2063 / have a strong desire to.


If you are passionate about Africa and the SDGs
– Work in nonprofits of all sizes and sectors, as well as public sector leaders
– If you supervise staff and/or complex, multi-stakeholder activities
– Seek to develop, hone, and apply management and leadership skills
– If you are committed to your learning and learning with others’ in an inclusive environment
– If you are leading change and you are willing to put in the work
– If you are looking to grow your network and commit to this experience
– If you are ready to improve your skills and make a notable difference in the lives of your demography
– If you want to develop and diversify your leadership pipeline
– If you are looking to build your brand visibility
– If you have greatness in you and want to push your limits

Click here to apply

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