
Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to the African Union

Deadline: 8th of March, 2024

As a recent graduate, are you considering a career in international relations? Are you interested in finding out more about the duties of a diplomatic mission and the ways in which the EU Delegation collaborates with the African Union to advocate EU interests and values?


  • traineeship of up to 6 months within the Political and Policy and Cooperation Section of the EU Delegation to the African Union, starting in April 2024.
  • Each selected trainee will receive a monthly grant to cover living expenses. All costs related to travels, visa, insurance, accommodation must be borne by the trainee.


Qualifications or special requirements:

  • Only applicants currently residing in Ethiopia will be considered.
  • Master’s degree in political science, international relations, economics, law or other social studies
  • Maximum 1 year of work experience
  • Fluency in English
  • Excellent analytical and drafting skills, a keen understanding of and interest in African Union’s politics, economics and governance
  • A hands-on, pro-active, reliable attitude, an openness to learning, and willingness to contribute with ideas.

Main tasks:

  • Support both Political, Press and Information: Policy & Cooperation Sections by:
  1. Attending meetings and preparing minutes of those;
  2. Contributing to the preparation of statements, speeches, reports and information collection. Particular focus will be on mobility and migration, youth, economic integration and multilateral relations;
  3. Preparatory work for the EU-AU Ministerial and other related events and initiatives.
  • Contribute to the communication and visibility work of the EU Delegation: a) drafting press releases, project fiches and other communication documents; b) contributing to the organisation of events (Soccer tournament, Europe Day, Seminars); c) supporting in any other strategic communication tasks.
  • Undertake research on some specific Political/Cooperaion issues and make summaries of key papers and of meetings.


Candidates must apply to the e-mail address and send the following documents:

  • A detailed standard Europass curriculum vitae (CV) (CVs in other format will not be considered)
  • a cover letter describing why you want to participate in a EU traineeship
  • and an application form

Please mention in the subject of your e-mail: Funded Traineeship – Political and Cooperation Section

Click here to apply 

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