
EnTrust Creative Contest 2023

Deadline: 31st of October, 2023

Are you a young person aged 13 – 19 and living in Europe? Do you have a vision for the future of Europe that you would like to share?

If so, take part in EnTrust’s creative contest, ‘A Europe We Trust: visions of European youth’.

Your submission should be based on your vision for the future of Europe. You can use one or more of the below topics as inspiration:

  • Equality, Inclusiveness and Accessibility: How do you envision a more equal, inclusive and accessible Europe for young people?
  • Youth Participation, Representation and Open Dialogue in the EU: What would Europe look like with a more active role for young people in decision-making?
  • Sustainability, Climate Action and Empowerment of Rural Youth: How do you envision a future Europe in which all young people have a role in climate action and sustainability?
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing: What would Europe look like if it placed greater importance on mental health and wellbeing?
  • Access to Employment, Fair Working Conditions and a Living Wage: What would Europe be like if all young people could access the labour market, have fair working conditions and be paid a living wage?


  • The contest is open to young people residing in any of the 27 EU Member States as well as EU candidate countries. You can enter either as an individual or in a group. Three winners will be selected and announced in November 2023.

Click here to apply

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