
Bristol Myers Squibb Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 12 ($50,000 grant)

The Bristol Myers Squibb Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 12 is now accepting applications. Bristol-Myers Squibb is pleased to support SDG 12 and the Lead 2030 Challenge. As a business, they are committed to supporting and grooming the next generation of leaders who will seek out cutting-edge solutions to safeguard both people and the environment.
They are working to reduce waste and the release of toxins into the environment in support of SDG 12, which will ultimately lead to better health outcomes. Young innovators are encouraged to respond to this challenge with solutions that include initiatives like:

  • Projects that demonstrate a strong focus on the link between waste and
    health/health equity will be prioritized.
  • Removing barriers for access to recycling or reuse programs for individuals or companies.
  • Educating the government, employers, academic institutions, and/or community members
    on the business case for waste reduction, recycling and reuse and the connection to
    health/health equity.
  • Preventing food waste and food loss along the food supply chain from post-harvest to the
    retail and consumer level.
  • Reducing the release of harmful chemicals and toxins through e-waste recycling and reuse.


The winning solution will receive:

  • Sponsorship to participate in the One Young World Summit 2023
  • A US$50,000 grant from Bristol Myers Squibb
  • 12 months of mentorship from a team of Bristol Myers Squibb professionals and partners.
  • The mentorship team will work to accelerate your solution based on the needs of your
    initiative or organisation, such as:
  • Business strategy
  • Best practices for data collection
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Product design


  • Solution should be evidently aligned with the SDG12 challenge.
  • Founded by a person aged 18 – 30.
  • Well-structured time horizon, identified key stakeholders and beneficiaries, and proposed
    outcomes that are reasonable and well thought out.
  • Solution is readily available, being piloted, implemented, or scaled
  • Solutions must have a positive social impact, for example, generating educational outcomes,
    employment opportunities, or developing skills.
  • Solution’s impact in society must be adequately measured and/or be measurable.
  • Must be able to achieve efficiency and to survive independently through the resources they
    generate and/or the investments and donations they attract.
  • Potential to grow impact after expanding in scope or size and/or into other regions.


You cannot save draft responses for the application, so they recommend drafting your responses in an offline document while you work on your application.


Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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