To encourage graduates from any discipline to pursue a PhD in a pharmacy graduate programme.
Open to students who are enrolled in the last 3 years of a Bachelor of science or PharmD programme at a United States school or college of pharmacy, or Baccalaureate degree programme in a related field of scientific study at any college and have completed at least one year of the degree program. Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in, and potential for, a career in any of the pharmaceutical sciences and be enrolled for at least one full academic year following the award of the scholarship. United States citizenship or permanent resident status is not required.
US$5,000. No less than $4,000 is provided as a student stipend for a full calendar year, $500 is provided to attend an AAPS Annual Meeting, and up to $500 may be used by the sponsoring faculty member in direct support of the research effort.
Applicants must write for details.