
AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards

The AAAS Science Journalism Awards have recognized professional journalists for outstanding reporting on the sciences, engineering, and mathematics since their founding in 1945. The honors are now known as the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism honors, in honor of a substantial grant by The Kavli Foundation, and the competition is accessible to journalists worldwide.


Science Reporting – Large Outlet: Text pieces in print or online from large newspapers with a circulation of more than 150,000 (largest single day, including digital subscriptions) and digital-only publications with a regional or national audience. Online-only news outlets with 50 or more staff employees are included in this category. An entry can include a themed series (submit three parts for judging) or up to three related or unrelated pieces combined. Total of 5,000 words or less.

Science Reporting – Small Outlet: Text pieces in print or online from small newspapers with circulation of 150,000 or less (largest single day, including digital subscriptions) and digital-only publications with a local audience. Online-only news outlets with fewer than 50 staff employees are included in this category. An entry can include a themed series (submit three parts for judging) or up to three related or unrelated pieces combined. Total of 5,000 words or less.

Science Reporting – In-Depth: An entry of more than 5,000 words for a newspaper, magazine or online site. Entry can be a single story; submission of two or three related or unrelated pieces as a single entry of more than 5,000 words; or a themed series of 5,000 words or more (submit no more than three parts for judging).

Magazine: Stories in print magazines, on magazine websites or in digital-only magazines. 5,000 words or less. An entry can include up to three related or unrelated pieces, totaling no more than 5,000 words. Includes Sunday magazine sections of newspapers.

Video In-Depth Reporting: Segments or programs longer than 20 minutes. Includes stand-alone online videos.

Video Spot News/Feature Reporting: Segments or programs totaling 20 minutes or less. Includes stand-alone online videos.

Audio: Radio or Podcast.

Children’s Science News: Open to journalists working in any medium – print, broadcast or online – for excellence in reporting science news for children, including young teens up to age 14.


Entry limit: Entrants may submit up to THREE entries in all (across one or more categories).

You cannot enter the same story or stories in two different categories, nor may you enter a story both as an individual entry and as part of a group of stories.

Translations:  If the submitted work was published or broadcast in a language other than English, you must provide an English translation. See the online FAQ for further discussion.

Access to entries: If an outlet has a pay wall or limited access (such as no more than five free stories per month), the entrant MUST provide password access for the story links or, preferably, readable PDFs of the content. Failure to provide accessible content will result in disqualification.

For all entries, including broadcast entries, you must ensure that Dropbox links or other storage links (and their passwords) do not expire during the screening and judging period (1 August 2023 to 30 October 2023).

Click here to apply

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