
World Bank Disaster & Climate Risk Data Fellowship 2023

Deadline: 9th of December, 2022

In order to assist World Bank disaster and climate risk data initiatives and contribute to the implementation of the new Risk Data Library Standard, the Digital Earth team at GFDRR is seeking fellows from vulnerable nations.

The fellowship program will give climate and disaster risk specialists (data scientists, geospatial analysts, and similar professionals) from selected climate-vulnerable countries a 6-month placement to work with the Risk Data Library Standard to access, create, and share climate risk knowledge with their communities.

The selected countries are:

  • Bangladesh
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • South Africa

The fellows should be residents or nationals of the selected countries.
During this time, fellows will work part-time as World Bank Short-Term Consultants. Through a dedicated program, they will learn how to apply and use the Risk Data Library tools and standards in support of World Bank projects and for the benefit of their institution and communities.

During this time, fellows will work part-time as World Bank Short-Term Consultants. Through a dedicated program, they will learn how to apply and use the Risk Data Library Standard tools and standards in support of World Bank projects and for the benefit of their institution and communities.

The expected outcomes are increased availability, dissemination, and use of climate risk knowledge in climate-vulnerable and fast-growing cities and countries. The activity will complement and leverage climate and disaster risk analysis undertaken in those countries by the World Bank under the new Climate Change Action Plan and through Disaster Risk Management operations.

Disaster and Climate Risk Data Fellows will be selected based on their data skills, climate and disaster risk skills, and willingness to support their communities. They will receive training and hands-on support throughout the project to become Risk Data Library Standard experts and contribute to improving climate risk analysis using the Risk Data Library.


Key qualifications required for this assignment include the following:

  • Student, Master, Ph.D. or any level in the field of climate change, disaster risk management, geospatial technologies, computer science, or other relevant fields;
  • Experience working with digital technologies for disaster risk assessment and their communities, including digital platforms, data, models, and standards;
  • Demonstrated data science or geospatial analytics knowledge and skills;
  • Capacity for effective multi-tasking with a demonstrated ability to be an independent starter with minimal supervision and a high capacity to persevere for results;
  • Proven ability to carry-out independent policy-relevant research, translate theory into practical applications, and adapt professional knowledge and technical skills to analyze, diagnose and propose solutions to policy issues and challenges related to climate change and disaster risk management;
  • Strong communication and advocacy skills, including the ability to write concisely and clearly and synthesize complex documentation and ideas for a range of audiences, including through social media;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and proven ability to work in a team and intercultural environment;
  • Proficiency in English and ability to work in an environment of diverse cultures;
  • Ability to work independently with minimum supervision and to meet tight deadlines.

Specific Tasks:

  • Champion the principles and processes supporting the RDLS and endeavor to further its adoption and that of open-risk data more broadly.
  • Contribute to the development and sharing of new risk datasets using the RDLS within ongoing and new climate and disaster risk studies
  • Identify existing climate and disaster risk data and make them available as open data through the RDL.
  • Contribute to new climate and disaster risk data analytics and visualization.
  • Organize training and outreach events on climate and risk data and the RDLS.
  • Contribute to blog posts, social media, press releases, podcasts, and other media material.
  • Write the final fellowship report and the presentation of their project.

Number of days:

Initial contract of 75 days from January to June 2023 (with a possible extension until September 2023)


  • Please send a CV, letter of interest, and online portfolio of past projects to agarciatapia@worldbank.org and copy to pchrzanowski@worldbank.org by December 9, 2022 with the subject “Risk Data Fellow Application.”

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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