
WIPO Global Awards

Deadline: 31st of March, 2024

The WIPO Global Awards honor outstanding businesses and individuals that, in addition to using intellectual property wisely for commercialization, also positively impact society via their inventiveness and creativity.

Applications from a variety of economic sectors and WIPO’s 193 Member States are invited to enter the yearly Awards competition. The competition initially included small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), but in 2024 it added a second category for startups. Future iterations of the software are intended to include more categories.


Winners will receive:

  • Travel to Geneva to attend the Awards Ceremony and special events (funded in
    accordance with WIPO’s rules),
  • A WIPO Trophy specifically designed for this Program,
  • Customized IP mentorship opportunities (considering, on a case-by-case basis, the
    business background and specific needs of the winners).
  • In addition, winners will be offered promotion, visibility and recognition through an Awards ceremony, special WIPO Awards webpage, WIPO media, and other external IP related media.


  • The Awards Program is open to all SMEs located in at least one of WIPO’s 193 Member States and meeting the following conditions:
  • It is a registered business entity. Proof of registration is required.
  • It has no more than 300 employees and up to 15 US$ millions of total annual sales.
  • It is a holder of at least one registered IP right.
  • It is exporting its products or services to at least one country.

Click here to apply

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