
Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Programme 2023

Deadline: Varies

Outstanding and qualified postdoctoral applicants are invited to apply for the Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Programme’s Long-Term Scholarships and Short-Term Scholarships.

The Universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation can accept foreign scholars for postdoctoral studies or postdoctoral research programs under the Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Programme (IN WBI).

Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Program are divided into two types of programs:

  • Long-term scholarships (minimum 1 year, renewable once) at postdoctoral level.
  • Short-term scholarships (1 to 3 months, non-renewable) at postdoctoral level

It should be noted that you are allowed to submit a file even if you are in an active term and the doctorate certification is not yet in your possession. In this case, it will be necessary to send proof of achievement at the latest on:

For long-term scholarships (stay between September and August): 1st of June.

For short-term scholarships:

  • for stay between February and May: 1st of December;
  • for stay between June and September: 1st of April;
  • for stay between October and January: 1st of July.


To be eligible for Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Program, applicants are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Applicant researchers from any country
  • Applicants with a degree of doctor by a given foreign university
  • Applicants wishing to carry out a postdoctoral programme in higher education institutions organised or subsidised by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation


Successful applicants for Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Program will receive the following benefits:

  • Monthly amount 2.120 euros covering living expenses, accommodation, educational materials and travel expenses within the country;
  • Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) will cover international travel costs (one round trip for the total duration of the programme);
  • WBI covers “healthcare” insurance for non-EU fellows;
  • WBI takes responsibility for “repatriation assistance” insurance (only for long-term scholarships).


To be considered for Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants program, applicants are informed that the form must be typed and sent by e-mail in one single PDF file (maximum 10 MB) to the programme manager.

The application form and its appendices must be duly completed and signed in the required places.

  • Application form;
  • Appendix 1: Declaration of additional funding (template on page 10);
  • Appendix 2: Minimum 2 letters of reference (template on page 11) prepared by the faculty of an academic institution able to judge the scientific quality of your work. These must be sent by e-mail directly to WBI and cannot be sent to you;
  • Appendix 3: Letter of invitation or agreement from the host university or from the professor(s) supervising the research (no template). It should be noted that researching a host university is a process that is your responsibility and WBI does not intervene in this process;
  • Appendix 4: Copy of diplomas (bachelor’s, 120 credits master’s and doctorate).

Application Deadline: For long-term scholarships (No later than the 1st of March)

                                    For short-term scholarships: February and May 2023

Click here to apply

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