
Vienna Biocenter Summer School 2024

Deadline: 28th of January, 2024

The Vienna Biocenter Summer School offers about twenty undergraduate students a once-in-a-lifetime chance to collaborate with top scientists in a fast-paced scientific setting.

The program hopes to draw gifted students from all around the world, fostering a lively and multicultural environment. For students interested in graduate work in the life sciences, it is the ideal preparation. Successful applicants get housing, a stipend for the term of the scholarship, and a travel allowance. Every year, the program begins on the final Friday of June and ends on the final Friday of August, which is also August 31.


  • Selected fellows receive numerous benefits e.g. free student accommodation, a stipend of 1400 euros after tax for the nine-week programme, medical insurance and others.


  • Have completed at least 3 years of university courses in biology or relevant subject areas (senior undergraduate or master level students)
    • a final bachelor or master degree is not required
    • students already enrolled in a PhD are not eligible to apply
  • Basic knowledge of biological research and technical laboratory skills; prior lab experience is beneficial but not required;
  • English proficiency (English will be the working language)
  • High level of motivation and willingness to learn
  • Excellent team-player and ability to work in a group
  • Commitment to attend the entire three months (June 1st – August 31st)

The Vienna Biocenter Summer School do not charge an application fee and welcome applications from students (BA Hons, Master, MSc) from all around the world who are undergraduates/master students, and have completed at least two years of university study in a Life Sciences related study.  .

Click here to apply

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