
University of Nottingham International Postgraduate Students Scholarships 2023

Deadline: 31st of May 2023

The University of Nottingham International Postgraduate Students Scholarships 2023 are now available for applications from qualified students all around the world. These are highly competitive scholarships available to international postgraduate students.

The University of Nottingham provides a number of scholarships for overseas students, with the goal of rewarding achievement and encouraging diversity within their student community. According to statistics, approximately 30% of undergraduate students and more than 40% of postgraduate students received grants for their admission.

Please note that students are eligible to receive one entry-based Nottingham scholarship award and one progression-based award during their academic study at UNNC. Should students be considered for two awards, the highest award will be automatically granted.”

Once enrolled, current students are eligible for additional merit and/or performance-based scholarships and awards which covers approximately 32.5% of our whole student body.

These are the various international postgraduate student scholarships details:

  • Nottingham Global Full Scholarship: Nottingham Global Full scholarship is worth RMB 110,000 per student, equivalent of 100% toward first year of postgraduate tuition fee respectively. This scholarship is an entrance scholarship only. You can apply online by completing Completing the online form.
  • Nottingham Global Half Scholarship: Nottingham Global Half scholarships worth of RMB 55,000 per student, equivalent of 50% toward first year of postgraduate tuition fee respectively.
  • Nottingham Global A Quarter Scholarship: Nottingham Global A Quarter Scholarship is worth RMB 27,500 per student, equivalent of 25% toward first year of postgraduate tuition fee respectively.
  • Zhejiang/Ningbo Government Scholarship: 30,000RMB for postgraduate students.
  • Central and Eastern European Countries Scholarships: RMB 30,000 for full time postgraduate students.


To be eligible for the University of Nottingham International Postgraduate Students Scholarships, you are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Be an overseas applicant applying for admission at the university.
  • For Nottingham Global Full Scholarship: Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of UK first class (70), or equivalent, as determined at the time of admission.
  • For Nottingham Global Half Scholarship: Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of UK upper-second class (65) or equivalent, as determined at the time of admission.
  • For Nottingham Global A Quarter Scholarship: Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of UK upper-second class (60) or equivalent, as determined at the time of admission.


Separate application for the various Scholarships is required. In order to complete the Scholarship application, a completed scholarship application form needs to be submitted via the online application system by the designated deadline.

In addition, due to the nature of competition, applicants will be automatically considered to the next eligible scholarships available should he/she misses the first round of selection until the quota is filled.

Please contact the Global Recruitment Office for further details:

 Click here to apply 


Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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