
UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers Program 2023 for Young Leaders

Deadline: 15th of May, 2023

The UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers Program 2023 is now accepting applications. Every year, the UN Global Compact honors a group of SDG Pioneers – business leaders at any level who are leveraging business as a force for good to promote the 17 SDGs.

They contribute to commercial success while simultaneously assisting to achieve one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their own firm or by mobilizing other enterprises. Local Networks across all continents will organize country-level SDG Pioneers campaigns in 2023 to discover Local Pioneers who will then be competitors for the Global Round, which will be acknowledged at the 2023 UN Global Compact Leaders Summit.


  • Local Networks will recognize Local Pioneers for the great work that they have done to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • 2023 Global SDG Pioneers will be recognized at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit in September 2023.


  • Professionals who are working at any level of a UN Global Compact participating company are eligible to apply or be nominated. To check whether an organization is a UN Global Compact participating company, please search the participant list online.

For the 2023 SDG Pioneers, they only consider companies who were participants of the UN Global Compact 1 October 2022 and have submitted at least 1 Communication on Progress (CoP).

Selection Process:

  • A multi-stakeholder SDG Pioneers Selection Group will vote on the candidates. The SDG Pioneers Selection Group will be comprised of representatives from: Global Compact Network Board Members, UN, Government Representatives, Academia, and civil society.


You can nominate yourself or a colleague at your company, or someone you know from another UN Global Compact participating company. That individual will then be contacted to ensure their willingness to be considered and the accuracy of the submitted information.

Click here to apply 

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