
The Youth Climate Justice Fund Grant 2023

Deadline: 24th of September, 2023

The Youth Climate Justice Fund supports with core flexible funding to emerging youth climate justice collectives. Groups can apply for a grant of up to USD 10,000, which can be used for a period of 12 months. As they are  trying to build access and conditions for meaningful shared ownership and participation in our processes, they are committed to evolve and change to ensure that youth-led climate justice movements are able to better participate and access support.


  • Your group or collective is led by young people aged 35 years and below. In order to be eligible for a YCJF grant, the majority of your leadership must be young people or the individuals with decision making power should be aged 35 years and below.
  • Your group, network or collective is based in Africa; the Middle East; Asia-Pacific, South Asia; Latin America and the Caribbean; and Central, and Eastern Europe.
  • You believe in and exhibit inclusive organizing, collective action and intersectional movement building.
  • Your group, network or collective is based in North America or Western Europe but is led by young people who are discriminated against and/or marginalised based on class, ethnicity, background, etc.
  • Non-partisan, non-violent, and legal movements.

They are specifically looking for groups who are:

  • Cultivating diverse leadership rooted in fair and equitable climate action with community power
  • Raising ambitions and commitments on climate & socio-environmental justice
  • Holding policymakers accountable to their promises and strengthening community power

Click here to apply

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