
The XcelHERate Women Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023

Deadline; 30th of September, 2023

The application for XcelHERate Women Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023 is now open.

Women entrepreneurs are often regarded as the primary drivers of economic growth; they are the individuals who put ideas into action and assist their communities. An entrepreneur is defined as someone who can scan and recognize possibilities in her surroundings, assemble the resources needed to capitalize on the chances, then successfully implement action to capitalize on the prospects. Bizzell has created the XcelHERate Entrepreneurship Challenge in collaboration with the SNDBX to not only elevate and celebrate women, but also to fire the spirit of Kenyan women entrepreneurs and expand their effect on their communities. Women who are overcoming adversity by transforming community issues into genuine, practical economic possibilities. Up-and-coming inventors will be recognized and asked to join the competition.

The Challenge Bootcamp:

Our bootcamp offers a comprehensive program designed to equip aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s competitive market. The program consists of various content:

  • Problem & Customer Segments: Learn to identify and analyze market problems, segment target customers, and validate demand.
  • Developing A Solution: Understand how to build a solution that addresses customer needs, create Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and achieve customer market fit.
  • Strategy, Value Proposition & Business Model: Develop effective strategies, define your unique value proposition, and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sustainable business operations.
  • Marketing Strategy: Learn market research, branding, positioning, and messaging techniques to promote your products or services effectively.
  • Digital Marketing: Explore digital marketing channels such as social media, SEO, content marketing, and email marketing to reach and engage your target audience.
  • Sales Strategy: Gain skills in sales techniques, customer relationship management, and sales funnel optimization to drive revenue and build strong customer relationships.
  • Go To Market: Learn go-to-market strategies, including distribution channels, pricing, partnerships, and product launch tactics for successful market entry.
  • Operations & Excellence: Streamline processes, manage resources effectively, and ensure operational excellence through topics like supply chain management and productivity enhancement.
  • Business Planning & Capital Readiness: Create comprehensive business plans, financial forecasting, and attract potential investors to secure funding for your venture.
  • Pitch Readiness: Craft a compelling pitch, showcase your business potential, and secure financing and investment opportunities.


What do you stand to gain from this competition?

  • Cash Prizes – The first, second and third placed winners of the competition will receive cash prices from our sponsor, Bizell.
  • Bootcamp training from SNDBX Experts – The top 20 selected will got through an intense training program designed to help them take advantage of market opportunities to expand grow their businesses effectively.
  • Business Coaching from SNDBX Experts – The top 20 selected will got through an intense training program designed to help them take advantage of market opportunities to expand grow their businesses effectively.
  • Media and Publicity – The pitching and award events will have media coverage which will allow your business to get publicity from the media.
  • Access to the SNDBX Community of Entrepreneurs – SNDBX is home to over 35 entrepreneurs in different fields. The winner will have access to this community for interactions which may lead to collaborations and partnerships.
  • Access to the SNDBX Workspace – SNDBX will open its doors to the winner of this competition and allow them to operate from the premises.


The XcelHERate Entrepreneurship Challenge is designed for innovative Kenyan businesswomen who have overcome obstacles to transform their ideas into viable and sustainable businesses:

The qualifications include:

  • Ownership by Women (at least 51% ownership by a women/women)
  • Young women entrepreneurs – 18–35 years
  • Duly registered business with relevant documentation
  • Minimum Viable Product: The business should have a product or service with enough features to attract and retain customers. It should be beyond the conceptual stage and be in the market already.
  • Proof of Paying Customers
  • Must have an already existing business (at least 2 years)

Click here to apply

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