
The Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship 2024

Deadline: 9th of June, 2023

The Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship is a global initiative that seeks for and supports the next generation of great computing research talent. Microsoft emphasizes the importance of diversity in computing and seeks to expand the pipeline of talent pursuing graduate degrees in computing-related subjects in order to establish a more robust and inclusive computing-related research community. PhD scholarships are now available in Asia-Pacific, Canada and the United States, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Over the previous two decades, the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship program has sponsored over 700 fellows worldwide, many of whom have gone on to work for Microsoft. Others have gone on to do groundbreaking research in other areas of the technology business or to acquire professor positions at prestigious universities.


  • Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Students should support this mission and embrace opportunities to foster diverse and inclusive cultures within their communities.
  • PhD students must be enrolled at a university in Africa
  • Proposed research must be closely related to one of the themes at Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI)
    • AI/ML/NLP/data science: In many practically useful applications, data is often scarce and biased. Understanding how we work under these settings and deliver useful results has a great impact for many practical problems and gives us deep insights into what it means to learn with data. From practical application such as NLP, to understanding the fairness and generality of results and deepening our understanding of what is feasible with the available data for a particular problem. We’re interested how we work better with the limitations of data.
    • Health: Advances in machine learning and AI offer us an opportunity to address the disparities in the access to, and delivery of quality healthcare for all people. We’re interested in understanding and exploring spaces where technology can assist to fill the gap, from assisting healthcare practitioners to perform their roles more effectively, to bridging the last mile to patients, through scaling the delivery and reach of quality healthcare using technology.
    • Sustainability: Microsoft’s commitment to sustainability will be achieved by leveraging cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to transform the way we monitor, model and ultimately help in solving environmental challenges facing the globe. Within MARI, we are applying AI and analytics to understand and develop solutions that will address challenges related to sustainability. If you are a student enrolled in an African University undertaking a PhD program in artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics or a related field with a focus on solving problems related to sustainability, we would be delighted to receive your application.​​
    • Human-computer interaction: We seek fellows in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) who will explore Usability and Design questions under the areas of Work, Health and Sustainability & Society. Typically, HCI interns lead and conduct research studies (online or on the ground), usability studies, literature reviews, and design interventions.
  • Students must be in their second year or beyond of their PhD program sometime between August 2022 – July 2023 having taken into account transfers, approved leaves of absence, etc.
  • PhD students must continue to be enrolled at the university in the beginning of academic year 2023 or forfeit the award (i.e. entering their third year of beyond of their program).


  • $15,000 USD is provided to help complete research as part of their doctoral thesis work for academic year 2023–24.
  • Eligible recipients will be offered a 12-week paid internship with the Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI).
  • Opportunities will be provided to build relationships with research teams at Microsoft and receive mentorship.

Click here to apply 


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