
The Falling Walls Global Call

Deadline: 1st of May, 2023

The Falling Walls Global Call is an international competition format that brings together science enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds. We are looking for the most recent and innovative Breakthroughs of the Year!

Falling Walls presents the most recent scientific discoveries to a large audience from all facets of society and encourages dialogue on research and innovation. We are excited for the Falling Walls Science Conference 2023 to recognize those who are tackling these problems.


Life Sciences
The scientific study of life and organisms e.g. biology, neuroscience, zoology.

Physical Sciences
The observation and understanding of natural phenomena of the earth, atmosphere and space, e.g. chemistry, physics, astronomy.

Engineering & Technology
The practical application of science and mathematics to every-day life, e.g. artificial intelligence, information technology, mechanical engineering.

Social Sciences & Humanities
The institutions and functioning of human society and the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society, e.g. politics, economics, philosophy.

Art & Science
Artists whose work is inspired and influenced by science, which sheds light on societal issues, natural phenomena or simply the wonder of scientific discoveries.

Science & Innovation Management
Significant advances, developments, achievements or an increase in (scientific) knowledge that remove barriers to progress in their respective fields.

Emerging Talents (Falling Walls Lab)
Next generation of students and early-career professionals from all disciplines to promote their exceptional ideas that create a positive impact on science and society.

Science Start-ups (Falling Walls Venture)
Innovative start-ups that have translated breakthrough scientific thinking into promising business models.

Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)
Forms of participatory science engagement initiatives that generate mutual learning between, and mutual benefits for, science and society.


  • You can either nominate outstanding research or apply with your own project.
    • Our goal is to find excellent and groundbreaking research projects in the different categories. With “breakthrough research” we are specifically looking for projects that address global challenges and represent scientific knowledge in an innovative way. We encourage an interdisciplinary approach to science.
    • For nominations, we invite leading academic institutions, universities, research organisations, companies, private and public research centres, academies, research funders, foundations, and individuals to nominate the bright minds behind the latest breakthroughs and outstanding science projects.
  • You can submit your nomination for the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year from 1 March – 1 May 2023.
    • As a nominator, you need to register on our online platform. You will be asked to fill out some information about yourself, and the project you wish to nominate. We recommend submitting  your nomination as early as possible, so the nominee is able to accept the nomination and submit further information about their project before the deadline.

Please note that applications have to be submitted in English

Click here to apply

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