
The Doc Society Climate Story Fund for 2024

Deadline: 7th of February, 2024

The Doc Society Climate Story Fund for 2024 is now accepting applications.The Doc Society Climate Story Fund aims to provide global funding to impact tactics and captivating storytelling that may assist audiences in visualizing the just transition and inspire people to take action to bring these visions to life.

Applicants that creatively explore how communities are experimenting with new pathways for a more safe and just future for all will be given priority by the Doc Society Climate Story Fund. Additionally, the fund will highlight how civil society and responsive governments are opposing the efforts of the fossil fuel industry, which is determined to slow down the radical transformation of our livelihoods, and how leaders are steadfastly navigating complexity while remaining committed to repairing past harms.

The Doc Society Climate Story Fund provides up to $150,000 grants to support the completion of production of creative nonfiction projects, and for impact pilots for completed creative nonfiction and fiction projects.


  • Applications must be submitted online via the Doc Society applications portal.
  • All projects must be climate themed with an intention to implement impact activities
  • We don’t need you to be an impact expert but open to the idea
  • To qualify for production funding, projects must complete production within a year from being awarded the grant
  • To qualify for impact funding, projects must implement an impact pilot within a year from being awarded the grant
  • Grant requests may be up to $100,000 US dollars
  • All sample materials in languages other than English must have English subtitles
  • Sample materials should not be changed throughout the evaluation period
  • Budgets must be submitted in US dollars
  • All grantees must attend a virtual Impact Lab to connect with impact producers and climate experts, to help develop impact strategies and to craft impact pilots that are built upon existing expertise and advocacy efforts to engage their intended audiences.

The selection process will give preference to:

  • stories that help audiences envision the just transition
  • climate stories centering the most affected, the unengaged and the underrepresented, and puts them at the center of the story
  • storytellers working in and from those communities, sharing narratives that resonate deeply with new and unengaged audiences, bringing them into critical conversations around climate justice
  • projects that embody inclusion and diversity across team and subject matter
  • projects that exercise responsible practices when engaging story participants and communities

The Fund can support:

  • Applicants and projects from all over the world
  • Both new and established artists
  • Creative nonfiction projects, including long form, shorts or episodic documentaries as well as podcasts and radio documentaries in production
  • Completed creative nonfiction and fiction projects of any medium looking to implement an impact pilot
  • Applicants who agree to attend the required virtual Impact Lab programming


8 January 2024 Call for applications opens
24 January 2024 Call for applications webinar
7 February 2024 Call for applications closes at 11:59 PM PST
29 April-3 May 2024 Shortlisted applicants will be contacted to supply rough cuts (if ready)
20-23 May 2024 Zoom interviews for shortlisted applicants
10-14 June 2024 Selected grantees will be notified
17-21 June 2024 Unsuccessful candidates will be notified
5, 12, 19, 26 September 2024 Virtual Impact Lab

Click here to apply

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