
The Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme 2022/2023

Deadline: 22nd of September 2022

The Africa Research Excellence Fund is pleased to launch the call for the 2022/23 AREF Research Development Fellowship Programme.  The goal is to support researchers in Africa who are emerging leaders and working on important challenges for human health, to develop their skills as a researcher.


  • A three to nine-month placement at a leading research institution in the UK, Europe or Africa, with additional support at your home institution before and after the placement. Up to £40,000 available.


Applicants must complete and submit the following:  

  • Application Form PART A Summary Information (online form)
  • Application Form Parts B-F
  • Part G of the application form (The Signature Sheet)
  • A letter of support from the Host Sponsor
  • A letter of support from the Employing Sponsor
  • Two chosen publications to demonstrate the applicant’s career history.
  • An electronic copy of the applicant’s most recently attained degree certificate, usually the PhD certificate.

How to Apply

  1. Application Form PART A Summary Information (online form) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RDFForm2022
  2. Application Form Parts B-G

Visit the website

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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