
Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) Award 2023 (up to CHF 10,000)

Deadline: 12th of July, 2023

The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) Award 2023 is now accepting applications. The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) awards an annual prize to graduates and scientists from Swiss universities who engage in agricultural research for development.

The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) is a loose coalition of Swiss institutions and private persons engaged in agricultural research for development (ARD). Members include people as well as representatives from research institutions, NGOs, the corporate sector, farmer organizations, and government agencies.


The SFIAR strives to award research that is fresh, innovative, and results-oriented. Current accomplishments or milestones can be recognized, but no future plans or project proposals allowed.
The award’s thematic scope is broad. Any research that comes under the European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development’s (EIARD) criteria of ARD can be submitted:

“ARD is a multi-dimensions research that addresses the agricultural development challenges of
developing and emerging countries (DEC). The agricultural domain includes crop production and
animal husbandry, agroforestry, fisheries and aquaculture, agribusiness and related enterprises,
animal and human health related issues, as well as the sustainable management of the natural
sources on which farming depends and the socio cultural and bio-diverse landscapes, food
systems and ecologies in which it is embedded. ARD provides technological, economic and
institutional knowledge and innovations contributing to sustainable development. It
encompasses research of a national and international public good character, as well as research
that yields private gains.”


The best PostDoc/team project wins CHF 10,000, the best Master thesis CHF 1,000.


Eligible for the SFIAR Award is research that:

  • Is within the thematic scope.
  • Has been completed preferably no longer than three years ago, or is ongoing with recent
    achievements/milestones (for Master’s Thesis Award: master’s thesis submitted not
    longer than 24 months ago)
  • Has been carried out at or in close collaboration with a Swiss institution.
  • Has involved partners (institutions and/or individuals) located in developing countries.
  • Covers at least one of the following characteristics:
    • partnership, outreach to the farm level, output and impact.
    • product development (or steps thereof).
    • tool or instrument that can be applied in the local context.

Selection Criteria:

The main selection criteria are:

  • research quality
  • demonstration of potential for development impact
  • compliance with criteria defined under “Scope”
  • presentation


Applicants have to fill in the attached application form and provide the research summary
(maximum 2 pages including illustrations) and the other documents mentioned on the form in English,
French or German. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements will not be considered.

The deadline for applications is 12 July 2023.

Click here to apply 

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