
Student Energy Summit Video Contest 2023 (Win a trip to Abu Dhabi)

Deadline: 31st of December, 2022

The Student Energy Summit Video Contest 2023 is now accepting applications. The Student Energy Summit 2023 is happy to announce the beginning of a video contest with the topic “Reimagining the Future with Renewable Energy” in association with IRENA and Youth 4 Sustainability (Y4S), a Masdar project.

Participants are asked to submit a video in one of two categories:

  • In which ways are you concretely advancing the transition to a future with renewable energy
    sources in your community?
  • What is your country/region/city/community doing to advance the transition to a future with
    renewable energy sources?


The winner(s) of the video contest will:

  • Receive fully-funded participation in the Student Energy Summit 2023 in Abu
    Dhabi in November 2023.
  • Be invited to virtually participate in a panel at the Youth Hub at the Abu Dhabi
    Sustainability Week 2023.
  • The top videos will be presented at the 2023 IRENA Youth Forum, the Abu Dhabi                                    Sustainability Week 2023 and Student Energy Summit 2023 and circulated on social media.


  • Open to contestants between 18-30 years old from all over the world.
  • Video entry must clearly and creatively address the above mentioned theme in 60 seconds
    or less.
  • Submissions are limited to one video per individual.
  • The video should be in English, or if created in another language must include English
  • Being fully cognizant of cultural aspects around the world, it is not mandatory that the youth
    shows the face in the video.
  • Young people, especially those from low-income countries and living in areas most impacted
    by digital divide, may lack access to advanced video-making technologies. Therefore, there is
    no specific requirement for the video to be of high quality or resolution.
  • Submissions depicting violence, sexism, racism or containing content or images that could
    be considered abusive, inflammatory, denigrating or disrespectful to any groups, individuals
    or institutions will be disqualified. Submissions must adhere to the norms of civil discourse
    and be suitable for a global public audience.

Selection Criteria:

A selection committee made up of representatives from Student Energy Summit 2023, IRENA and Masdar
will evaluate the submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the theme: the video clearly and creatively represents the theme of
    Reimagining the Future with Renewable Energy through positive youth perspectives.
  • Originality and creativity: The content is unique and not derivative of other ideas and
    presents the theme in an original and compelling way.
  • Potential viewer impact: The video conveys personal or aspirational thoughts that are
    inspiring to viewers, especially young people, and that can be applicable in practice by other


You can enter the contest by uploading a video of maximum 60 seconds addressing the contest theme on
Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtag #SES2023VideoContest and tagging Student Energy Summit
2023 (@ses.2023 on Instagram and @ses2023 on Twitter).

The youth video contest will be open for submissions between December 1-31, 2022. The deadline is
December 31, 2022 at 23:59 Abu Dhabi time.


Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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