
Siemens Tech for Sustainability Challenge 2023 for innovative ideas (EUR 70,000 in prize money)

Deadline: November 24, 2022

A global programme called Tech for Sustainability invites academics, entrepreneurs, students, and other creative people to use technology to address pressing sustainability issues and help Siemens design the future. Participate by choose one of the challenges below, then submit your solutions to help solve actual issues.


Win Prizes

EUR 70,000 total prize money

Participate in real world challenges

Let’s solve real problems together to move towards sustainability

Pitch in front of top management

The opportunity to show your solution to Siemens management

Participate in a Hackathon with your idea

The best ideas will be developed further during the hackathon


  • Idea Submission: 13th October – 24th November
    Register on the platform and submit your idea on how you want to solve the proposed challenge.

    Validation: 25th November – 19th December

    Experts will intensively evaluate the ideas, based on multiple criteria.

  • Preparation and Mentoring: 16th January – 27th February

    The best 3 ideas will enjoy an extensive preparation and mentoring phase.
  • Hackathorn and Live Pitches: 6th March–10th March
    Develop your solution with further key experts in a hackathon, pitch it, and create sustainable impact.

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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