
SEAMEO RIHED 2022 Inter-Regional Research Symposium in Thailand

Deadline: 23 September 2022

On November 24–25, 2022, at the Asia Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, SEAMEO RIHED’s Inter-Regional Research Symposium will be reintroduced, this time focusing on the contributions of higher education to sustainable development. To explore different facets of how higher education contributes to sustainable development in each edition of the Symposium up to 2030, the Inter-Regional Research Symposium will now be held every two years. This will expand the inter-regional focus through partnerships in higher education by giving students a better chance to collectively learn from Southeast Asia and other regions of the world. In addition to the presentation of original research, the 2022 Inter-regional Research Symposium will also bring new platforms and chances to assess and update regional developments in higher education and improve research capacity among new and rising researchers.

2022 Special Focus and Thematic Tracks

The following three subjects are invited to research submissions for the 2022 SEAMEO RIHED Inter-regional Research Symposium:

  1. Theme 1: Establishing Fair Learning Environments for Sustainable Development

There are several methods for incorporating sustainability themes into instruction and learning. In addition to other innovations in transforming and greening teaching and learning environments and developing equitable learning spaces, education that encourages changes in knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to enable a more sustainable and just society, such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), have received increasing awareness. To advance ESD, GCED, and other sustainability approaches, this track aims to understand the status of policy commitments and national and institutional implementation efforts. This includes strengthening educator capacity and instilling the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for learners to act responsibly while respecting diversity. Interest-piqued tangents include:

– ESD, GCED, and associated concepts and methods
– Creation of fair and sustainable learning environments and learning spaces to advance Sustainable Development and the SDGs in the curriculum, teaching, and learning.

  1. Theme2: Skills, Credentials, and Digital Transformation

In reaction to the disruption produced by the pandemic and as a strategy for new transformational forms of learning, implementing blended and hybrid learning has gained importance in many nations. Growing digital disparities have made it more challenging to guarantee equitable learning opportunities regarding access, equality, and inclusion as the world gets increasingly digitized. It is equally essential to ensure that qualifications are pretty recognized to close these gaps and prepare for the future workplace. To this end, it is crucial to consider the emergence of alternative credentials, such as micro-credentials, digital badges, and professional and industry certifications linked to new modes of online learning and partial studies or experience. Interesting tangents include:

– Addressing digital disparities and ensuring access, equity, and participation.
– New hybrid or virtual programs and blended and hybrid learning styles.
– The acceptance and expansion of innovative credentials, such as micro-credentials, digital badges, and alternative certificates.

  1. Theme3: Promoting Collaborations and Sustainable Neighborhoods

Higher education needs more collaborative methods and equitable collaborations to be responsive to the demands of students and society. Accelerating local level measures for sustainable development also require more work. With a focus on relevant forms of experiential and participatory learning, the creation and implementation of related activities, and their financing models, such as internships, service learning, community-based research, fieldwork, and mobility programs, this track examines university engagement with communities and industry towards Sustainable Development. Impactful strategies that unite institutions, communities, and students in pursuing sustainability via creative participatory and experiential learning initiatives are exciting. Interest-piqued tangents include:

– Partnerships between businesses and universities.
– Creative local responses to global environmental issues.
– Effective methods from programs that encourage experiential and participatory learning and sustainable communities.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Anyone from anywhere around the globe interested is welcome to participate.
  • Authors must submit and be accepted for an abstract to present at the 2022 Inter-Regional Research Symposium.
  • Please be aware that only a tiny amount of funding is available for researchers from specific nations.

Documents Requirement

  • Abstracts must be provided in a PDF or Microsoft Word document.
  • The suggested research should have an attention-grabbing and clear title.
  • Include your name, present job, and contact information, including your email address.
  • The abstract should be a well-developed paragraph with precise terminology accessible to a broad readership. The essential aspects of your planned study should be emphasized, along with an explanation of why the work is significant, your objective and methodology, the results, and any conclusions that may be drawn.
  • Abstracts should be between 300 and 400 words long, single-spaced in Microsoft Word, and utilizing size 10 Arial font.
  • Keywords: You can include up to three terms that allude to the study’s topic, topics examined, methodology, geography, or location.
  • Topic: Please include a clear note of the theme you have chosen for your work by the aforementioned thematic tracks.

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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