
Rise Challenge 2024

Deadline: 17th of January, 2024

The Rise Challenge 2024 is now accepting applications from young people all across the world. Rise is a program that identifies bright young people and offers them with life opportunities as they strive to benefit others. The program begins at the age of 15 and encourages a lifetime of service and learning by providing need-based scholarships, mentorship, networking, access to career development opportunities, and the possibility of additional funding as Rise Global Winners work to solve humanity’s most pressing problems.

Rise, a collaboration between Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, is the centerpiece of Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s $1 billion commitment to finding and supporting global talent.


  • Residential Summit: One fully funded in-person residential summit with other members of the Rise Global Winner cohort. Attendance at this summit is required to maintain Global Winner status.
  • Higher Education Scholarships: A four-year, post-secondary education scholarship, including tuition and a living stipend, based on need and where not already covered by financial aid.
  • Funding for Ideas on a Competitive Basis: Opportunity to apply for funding to experiment with innovative ideas to address major problems in local communities or around the world—ranging, for example, from seed money to start a social enterprise to a grant for a non-profit. Funds will be available competitively to Winners and Finalists.
  • Networking Matching: Access to a network of other Global Winners, community members, and partner organizations, as well as career development programming, delivered primarily through technology (via our matching platform).
  • Starter Technology Packages: A technology package, such as a laptop or tablet, to be determined and issued immediately before or during the first semester/term of post-secondary education.


  • Applicants for the 2024 cohort must be between the ages of 15 and 17 as of July 1, 2024, meaning they are born on or between July 2, 2006 and July 1, 2009.
  • It does not matter what part of the globe you come from, or academic experience you have. Whether you are interested in science, innovation, technology, art, policy, community organizing, or any other discipline—they want to hear from you.

Rise finds promising young people and provides opportunity as they work to serve others throughout their lifetime. They understand that economic barriers are not the only challenges that keep exceptional people from serving others throughout their lives.


Rise Global Winners hail from around the world and demonstrate brilliance in a range of disciplines. Some may excel in STEM fields, others may show outstanding artistic ability, and others may have a gift for community service and organizing.

All Rise Global Winners demonstrate the five Rise Traits:

  • Brilliance
  • Perseverance
  • Integrity
  • Empathy
  • Calling


The Rise application is a multistep process that gives you an opportunity to tell the organisers more about yourself. Applicants can showcase their potential through videos, projects, and group interviews as part of the Rise application. They also offer alternate low-tech pathways through web-browser and paper applications for applicants without technology access.

Click here to apply

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