
Rest of World Labor x Tech Reporting Fellowship 2023 ($40,000 stipend)

Deadline: 7th of April, 2023

Applications are open until the end of World Work x Tech Revealing Cooperation 2023. Rest of World is eager to declare another chance for journalists local to districts outside the West who need to deliver a profoundly revealed group of work on what tech means for work and laborers all over the planet.

They are searching for four revealing colleagues to go along with them for an entire year and produce a progression of articles on tech’s relationship with work, and the tech business’ impact on both the idea of work and the condition of laborers. The cooperation is intended to draw in correspondents local to the districts that Rest of World covers who have a fundamental comprehension of those areas’ tech and business scene. The detailing colleagues will turn out to be important for the ordinary revealing group on the ground, helping shape narrating by contributing unique thoughts for stories, and working close by journalists and editors based all over the planet.

Fellows will start in May 2023. All four reporting fellows will work with Rest of World’s regional editors from the corresponding regions. All applicants must be eligible to work in the countries they reside in.


  • Fellows will receive a stipend of $40,000 for a 12- month period, running from mid-May 2023 to mid- May 2024. Rest of World will cover all costs related to the reporting of the stories, including travel costs.


Open to journalists who come from, and are based in, four regions and the following countries: Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, or Vietnam). South Asia (Pakistan or Bangladesh). Sub-Saharan Africa (South Africa, Kenya, or Uganda) and Latin America (Colombia, Brazil, or Chile).

They are looking for applicants who:

  • Have been working as professional reporters in their home country
  • Have published original articles on issues that are critical to their communities; we’d prefer that fellows have a basic understanding of the tech and business landscape in their countries, but we don’t require that they have extensive experience in tech reporting
  • Are curious about how tech has transformed the nature and definition of work, and are willing to go deep to explore the human experience and cost of such work
  • Can bring their own experiences and perspectives to inform and advance the journalistic work they are undertaking
  • Are passionate about writing about labor injustices and holding powerful people and companies accountable
  • Want to explore new ways to tell stories, including digging into data, incorporating audio, and more


You can apply by sending an email to jobs@restofworld.org with Labor x Tech Reporting Fellowship in the subject line. Attach your resume and in your email body, provide the following:

  • Tell them in 300-350 words what’s the most compelling issue around tech workers in your community, and why you think it is worth pursuing for a story. The more specific you can be the better. They are looking for ideas you are eager to jump into reporting on Day 1.
  • Tell them about the one story you’ve published recently that you’re really proud of. Tell them what role you played in shaping the story, what obstacles you might have overcome and how you addressed them. This need not be a story about tech, just any story you worked on.

Click here to apply

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