
Pacific American Fund: Call for Concept Notes

Deadline: 31st of March, 2023

Organizations based in the Pacific Islands are now being asked to submit concept papers for the Pacific American Fund’s Year 3 Grants Cycle on the following topics: access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services; disaster risk reduction; environment, biodiversity conservation; and natural resource governance. All funding must target social inclusion, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and violence against women.

Before making an award, the Pacific American Fund will decide which forms of grants agreements are most suitable. The Pacific American Fund may provide any of the following four categories of grants:

  • Standard Grants, cost-reimbursable grants that allow for procurement of equipment, international travel, and other relatively complex costs, generally managed only by well-established grantees with strong USAID past experience;
  • Simplified Grants, cost-reimbursable grant mechanisms but do not involve any complex or administratively challenging costs (may not exceed $250,000);
  • Fixed Amount Awards, whereby payment to the grantee is based on achieving predefined milestones, and supporting activities when the program scope is specific and adequate cost, historical, or pricing data is used to establish a fixed amount award (may not exceed $250,000); and
  • In-kind Grants are mechanisms whereby the Pacific American Fund assumes responsibility for all procurements and other financial responsibilities and, as a result, no money is transferred to the grantee.


  • Note that all Concept Notes must address at least one or more of the following sectors:
    • Climate Change Adaptation: Activities in this priority sector work to enhance resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change of people, places, and livelihoods.
    • Environment, Biodiversity Conservation, and Natural Resource Governance: The aim of activities in this sector is to ensure that the environment and the natural resources upon which human lives and livelihoods depend are managed in ways that sustain productivity growth, a healthy population, as well as the intrinsic spiritual and cultural value of the environment.
    • Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Resilience: This sectoral priority encompasses disaster risk reduction, disaster readiness, and related capacity building, preparedness, and planning. It aims to reduce vulnerabilities to disasters and respond better to humanitarian emergencies.
    • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Activities in this sectoral priority must work towards ensuring broadly accessible, reliable and economically sustainable water and sanitation services for health, security, and prosperity.


  • Subject to availability of funds, solicitations will be open to fund grants in one of two Grant Ranges: (1) up to USD150,000; (2) USD150,001 to USD 1,000,000.
  • Duration: The period of performance for each grant may vary but must fall between a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 20 months.


  • Applicants must have established financial management, internal control systems, and policies and procedures that comply with established U.S. Government rules and regulations and cost principles and the Mandatory Standard Provisions for non-U.S. nongovernmental organizations. All potential awardees will be subject to a financial responsibility determination made by the Pacific American Fund that may include a pre-award survey and/or an audit.
  • Local and regional entities are eligible to submit Concept Notes as part of the Pacific American Fund grant application process. Local entities are defined as an individual, a corporation, a nonprofit organization, or another body of persons that: a. is legally organized under the laws of; b. has as its principal place of business or operations in; c. is majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; and managed by a governing body the majority of who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of a country receiving assistance from funds appropriated under title III of the Consolidated Appropriations Act
  • Regional entities are defined as an organization that meets the criteria of a local entity and operates in any of the countries covered by a program funding area and benefits from the particular program.
  • New local and regional entities are encouraged to apply.
  • Local and regional Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) eligible to receive a Pacific American Fund grant award include:
    • Local, national, or regional NGOs;
    • Universities, academic institutions, advocacy groups, and umbrella organizations that represent multiple NGO members;
    • Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) operating nationally, regionally, or internationally that qualify for funding under Executive Order 13279; and
    • Private sector entities such as companies, chambers of commerce, and associations.

Click here to apply .

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