
NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Program 2024

Deadline: 7th of September, 2023

This is the 23rd year that NVIDIA has extended an invitation to PhD students to submit their research proposals. Recipients are chosen based on their academic accomplishments, recommendation by a professor, and field of study. This initiative, in our opinion, is a fantastic method to assist academia in its search for cutting-edge innovation and a perfect opportunity to expose NVIDIA to the next generation of our industry’s leaders.


  • Students must have already completed their first year of PhD level studies (at the time of application)
  • Students must have majors in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, System Architecture, Electrical Engineering, or a related area
  • Students must be engaged in active research as part of their PhD thesis
  • Students must be enrolled as a full time active PhD student during the 2024-2025 academic year (9 months) of the award – this means they should not be expecting to graduate sooner than May/June 2025.
  • Students must be available to complete a summer internship (which due to COVID-19 may be held remotely) prior to the start of their Fellowship year.
  • Students may not be immediate family of a current NVIDIA employee
  • Note: The award must be administered through the student’s university; payment will be made to the university, not directly to the student

Evaluation criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated for:
Student quality
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Academic performance (GPA) and achievements
Research quality
  • Research results to date
  • Research proposal for fellowship
  • Publication track record
Relevance to NVIDIA
  • How your work connects to NVIDIA’s primary research domains
  • How your research might influence the design, performance or use of future GPUs


Graduate fellowship applications must include:
  • Research summary/thesis proposal – up to 2 pages, plus bibliography
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) including contact information
  • Professor nomination letters (2 letters minimum (must include one from thesis advisor), up to 3 letters maximum — OK to have nomination letters from non-professors, as long as you have one from your thesis advisor/professor).
  • Confirmation of availability for summer internship

Submission Portal: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all of these items are submitted prior to the deadline. We are using a Submission Portal in which the student manages their own application. The student must:

  • Complete the student profile – start this now; you can go back to the portal repeatedly until you submit the final application
  • Complete your application input including research summary thesis proposal and resume (CV)
  • Add contacts for the letters of recommendation — an email will automatically be sent on your behalf to each recommender you add — be sure to add your professors/recommenders early in the process! Do not wait until close to the deadline!
  • Monitor the status of your recommendation letters in the portal — do not click on the final submission until the recommendation status shows “recommendation uploaded” for each recommendation you are expecting — the professor deadline has been set 1 day prior to the student deadline to allow the student to ensure all documents are received before submitting — the deadline for recommendation letters is 3pm Pacific September 6, 2023.
  • Communicate with the recommenders to complete their letter upload on time – it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their letters are received into the system.
  • Submit the final application when all items are complete, and prior to the application deadline: 3pm Pacific September 7, 2023.

Click here to apply

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