
Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Young Ambassador Programme 2022/2024

Deadline: 24th October, 2022

Young Africans who excel in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and social sciences in their home nations make the best prospects.es.

Details: The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences’ (AIMS) Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is a programme for involving the general population (AIMS). The NEF was established in 2013 as it became clear that there was no event taking place on African territory where the brightest actors from the continent’s and the world’s diverse communities of research, business, civil society, and policy could unite to use science for global development. Furthermore, there was no forum where subjects could be treated strategically and comprehensively, with chances for cross-fertilization. The public is frequently overlooked in the design and outcomes of the forums that already exist. Women, young people, and those with disabilities were frequently notably underrepresented in these forums when it came to speaking or participation chances.

The NEF is supported by four pillars: the NEF Platform, the NEF Community of Scientists, and the NEF Global Gatherings. The NEF also has two cross-cutting commitments: one to gender equity and the other to scientific excellence, which covers both research and education. Young STEM leaders under the age of 42, one from each African nation, serve as the NEF Ambassadors and direct the organization’s outreach initiatives. Through the connections with the NEF that provide chances for mentorship and partnerships with seasoned researchers, they can advance their own careers while participating in activities like the NEF Africa Science Week programme. The NEF Ambassadors’ term of office is two years.



  • Must be 42 years of age or less (Born on/after 1 January 1980);
  • Resident and citizen of an African country with a history of leadership and engagement in the residing community;
  • Advanced studies or professional certificates, personal projects, demonstrated entrepreneurial and innovation achievements, and similar—a PhD is not necessarily required;
  • Applicants are encouraged from all fields of STEM, including basic sciences, health sciences as well as social science fields;
  • Outstanding writing and critical thinking capabilities, and be comfortable working in a collaborative environment;
  • Demonstrated passion for raising Africa’s profile in STEM and/or social sciences;
  • Having an active work/study profile demonstrated through an active online and/or social media presence; and
  • Able to clearly communicate to an audience in English or French.


Act as a NEF Ambassador representing your own country at NEF events:

  • Attend the prestigious, invitation-only NEF Global Gathering alongside Nobel Prize winners, Heads of State and Government, and representatives from leading global corporations and civic society. Ambassadors will receive paid travel expenses to the NEF Global Gathering event;
  • Participate in interviews, panels, and the showcasing of research, NEF work, and articles on STEM and innovation, among other events during/following the NEF Global Gathering;
  • Organize the annual NEF Africa Science Week in their respective countries;
  • Write original content and cross-post content for the NEF, including but not limited to blog articles, news updates on STEM in one’s local community, profiles of scientists in your community, and other activities to promote the NEF;
  • Be part of the NEF Community of Scientists;
  • Talk positively about the NEF to people whenever you can;
  • Actively promote the NEF to your social media following and regularly contribute ideas to the NEF team about ways to keep the online community informed and interested in the NEF;
  • You are expected to spend a total of between 1 to 2 hours per week writing, editing, posting updates, news and articles related to STEM in Africa and the NEF, and conversing with NEF Fellows and the scientific community at large. The hours may increase during the week of the NEF Global Gathering and the Africa Science Week;
  • Make presentations to students, audiences, special classes and events about the NEF and STEM in Africa; and
  • Other responsibilities suggested and recommended by you.


  • Attend the prestigious, invitation-only NEF Global Gathering alongside Nobel Prize winners, Heads of State and Government, and representatives from leading global corporations and civic society. Ambassadors will receive paid travel expenses to the NEF Global Gathering event;
  • Participate in interviews, panels, and the showcasing of research, NEF work, and articles on STEM and innovation, among other events during/following the NEF Global Gathering;
  • Have the opportunity to organize the annual NEF Africa Science Week in your country;
  • NEF Ambassadors will receive significant exposure to the NEF readership community;
  • Have the opportunity to network with other experts, NEF Ambassadors and NEF Fellows, as well as top scientists, social scientists and technology leaders from around the world;
  • Become a member of the prestigious NEF Community of Scientists;
  • After completing your tenure, have the opportunity to apply for the NEF Fellows program;
  • Have the opportunity to influence STEM and innovation policy through NEF articles and documents and share their own work; and
  • Get the chance to pitch their own projects and ideas to high-profile NEF members and contribute to the establishment of a positive global view of science in Africa.

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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