
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the University of Edinburgh 2023/2024

Deadline: 7th of December, 2023

Applications for Mastercard Foundation Scholars at the University of Edinburgh 2023–2024 are now open. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program seeks to make a significant contribution to tackling the climate challenge. The program is committed to developing a network of bright, enterprising, and compassionate leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa.

They provide young people with the knowledge, skills, and networks needed to drive sustainable transitions through the Scholars Program at the University of Edinburgh, which offers a variety of great sustainability-focused postgraduate options.

Applicants can apply for either:

  • Online Masters (part-time over 3 years) OR
  • Online Post-graduate Diploma (part-time over 2 years)

Online Masters

Masters programs normally aim at those who have completed an undergraduate degree and want to develop more specialized knowledge in the same subject or similar career area. The Mastercard Foundation scholarship is designed to cover three years of part-time online study for the following programs only:

  • International Development (Masters route only)
  • Global Food Security and Nutrition (Masters or Diploma)
  • Global Challenges (Masters or Diploma)
  • Carbon Management (Masters route only)
  • One Health (Masters or Diploma)
  • Circular Economy (Masters or Diploma)
  • Sustainable Lands and Cities (Masters or Diploma)
  • Social Justice and Community Action (Masters or Diploma)

Online Postgraduate Diploma

Postgraduate diplomas are aimed at those who are considering a potential change in their careers and tend to be more vocational. The scholarship is designed to cover two years of part-time online study for the following programs only:

  • One Health
  • Global Food Security and Nutrition
  • Global Challenges
  • Social Justice and Community Action
  • Circular Economy
  • Sustainable Land and Cities


  • Covers full approved tuition fees; scholars will not pay for any part of the tuition fees.
  • Academic stipend to allow for access to high-quality internet and a a laptop.
  • The opportunity to attend an in-person gathering
  • Participation in activities as part of the wider Scholars Program climate leadership program at the University of Edinburgh, including regular online workshops, online coaching,, and support
  • A dedicated Online Coordinator
  • Additional support is offered to scholars with disabilities based on an assessment of their their needs.


  • Applicants must qualify academically for admission to the University of Edinburgh for a relevant degree program. You will generally need to have achieved the equivalent of a UK Second Class (Upper) Bachelor’s (Hons) degree or higher.
  • Applicants will have faced significant barriers to education (social, financial, personal, practical,, or health-related).
  • Applicants must have graduated from an undergraduate program by September 2023 and must have a degree certificate and official final transcript to upload alongside their application by December December 7.
  • Applicants must be residents, citizens,, or hold refugee status in a sub-Saharan African country.
  • Applicants must have faced barriers to education and an an early career.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a track record of leadership and service within their community.
  • Applicants must demonstrate experience, or at least ambition, in making a meaningful impact on addressing the climate crisis.
  • Applicants must be 35 or under as of September 1, 2024.
  • Applicants should not have previously completed a postgraduate degree and should not be enrolled (or apply to enrolll) at a separate university while on the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship.
  • If applying for the online Masters program, applicants should not have previously completed a postgraduate degree and should not be enrolled (or apply to enrolll) at a separate university while on the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship.
  • If applying for the online Postgraduate Diploma, applicants can either have an undergraduate or Master’s degree from a Sub-Saharan African university (provided they will graduate from either degree by December 7, 2023). If you have a Master’s degree, the admissions team will review your first degree (undergraduate) to meet the postgraduate diploma entry requirement. The Scholars Program will review your Master’s degree transcripts to confirm your university’s graduation date and location.
  • They particularly welcome applications from female scholars, scholars from refugee and displaced backgrounds, and scholars with disabilities.

Selection Criteria:

The selection process for applications is based on the following criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate that qualifies for admissions to the University of Edinburgh
  • Track record as a transformative leader and service within their community
  • The quality of the the application is is in line with the Scholars Program theme of climate justice.
  • Potential impact on the development of the applicant’s home country.
  • Applicants who have faced significant barriers to education (social, financial, personal, practical,, or health-related).


You must qualify academically for admission to the University of Edinburgh. They require that applicants apply for this scholarship before applying to the university. The Scholars Program will not accept applications submitted outside the online application system.

Click here to apply

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