
Leiden University Minerva Scholarship Fund for Study in Netherlands

Deadline: April 15 and November 15, 2023

Through the Minerva Scholarship Fund, Leiden University offers several scholarships to both domestic and foreign students. The possibility of receiving this scholarship exists for those who apply to study in the Netherlands and specifically at Leiden University. All academic students are encouraged to apply.

The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation strives to offer scholarships for research and study in a range of academic subjects. The MSF works especially hard to support unique and extraordinary student initiatives, both in the Netherlands and abroad. The Leiden Minerva Student Association established the Minerva Scholarship Fund.

The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (MSF) has been awarding grants to Leiden University students in various academic fields since 2009. Additionally, the MSF works to fund outstanding student initiatives abroad.

The following faculties are recognized by the Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (MSF) for scholarship awards:

Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Humanities (ICLON)


To be eligible for Leiden University Minerva Scholarship Fund for International Students, you are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants from all nationalities
  • Applicants must enrol in full-time program
  • Applicants are registered as a Bachelor or Master student at Leiden University.
  • You do not need to be a member of L.S.V. Minerva.
  • The application pertains to an exceptional or prestigious study or research project in the Netherlands or abroad.
  • The project falls into one of the following categories: internship, study or research. PhD tracks and complete Master programmes are not eligible.


  • Complete the form.
  • Check you have all the required documents.
  • Submit your complete application dossier to the address provided, before the deadline.

The allocation committee (consisting of Leiden lecturers from various disciples) will evaluate all applications on the basis of predetermined criteria. During the evaluation process, attention is given to the relevance of the research and how it will contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge. You will be informed (max.) one month after the application deadline whether you have been awarded a scholarship.

Click here to apply 

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