
IYAFP Membership Program 2023

Deadline: 15th of August, 2023

Application for the IYAFP Membership Program 2023 is currently open. The IYAFP membership program aims to involve groups, whether registered or unregistered, that have been active in SRHRJ or similar sectors at the local, national, or international level for at least a year. The organizations must declare themselves to be youth-led, which means that at least 80% of its top management must be under 30.

By joining IYAFP, these groups join a dynamic and multicultural global network of youth leaders and activists who are committed to advancing SRHRJ. A main delegate and an alternate delegate, both between the ages of 18 and 30, are chosen to represent each member organization.

As a new member organization, your role would be to actively contribute to IYAFP’s mission by advancing SRHRJ and/or related areas within your community. This involves promoting meaningful engagement of young people in decision-making processes through advocacy, knowledge generation, information sharing, partnership building, and capacity strengthening of young human rights defenders at local, national, regional, and international levels.


  • Enlarging your support base, networks, and connections.
  • Collaborating on funding proposals for multi-country projects.
  • Maximizing existing financial and human resources by pooling them together and delegating work within the coalition.
  • Reducing duplication of efforts and resources.
  • Enhancing the reach, credibility, and influence of advocacy campaigns, both individually and as part of the coalition.
  • Developing new leadership skills among their members.
  • Facilitating information and skill exchange, as well as opportunities for collaboration.
  • Fostering diversity by bringing together people and organizations with different perspectives and priorities.
  • Providing peer support, encouragement, motivation, and professional recognition.


  • Identify as organizations, collectives, networks, entities, or other forms of organizing for collective action (registered and unregistered)
  • Be led by youth. (at least 80% of their senior management is 30 years old or under) and should have transition policies in place to ensure the entity continues being led by youth.
  • Able to demonstrate a commitment of 8-10 hours per month for a two-year tenure (subject to renewal).
  • Have excellent working proficiency in English.
  • Operate primarily at the local or national level.
  • Have experience in SRHRJ advocacy and/or programming or related issues such as gender, women’s rights, mental health, gender-based violence, LGBTI rights, climate justice, and meaningful adolescent and youth engagement is preferred.
  • Located in one of the eligible countries, the list can be found in the TOR.

Click here to apply 


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