
Intellectual Property (IP) Labs – Incubation and Acceleration Program

Deadline: 4th of September, 2023

The IP Labs is a WIPO project designed to help idea-stage startups in Nigeria to develop their ideas, build them into scalable products, and leverage IP for prosperity.  IP Labs will enhance IP awareness for startups in Nigeria on leveraging IP for business, assist startups to create minimum viable products (MVPs), develop pitch decks and secure relevant IP rights for their inventions, as well as connect startups with mentors, investors, and other stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem. This Pilot, implemented by The Orbra Company, is designed to run from August to December 2023.

Through WIPO’s IP Management Clinics, beneficiaries will learn to use IP as a business development and financing strategy. The project will be implemented in two stages.

  • Stage one (1) is a general mentoring program on startup development, design-thinking, pitching, introduction to intellectual property for entry-stage startups.
  • Stage two (2) is for incubation, acceleration and IP Management Clinics (IPMC).

IP Labs will help startups leverage IP protection to grow their businesses, create jobs, and contribute to the economic growth of Nigeria.


Every innovative company has unique business challenges that require a tailored IP strategy – an action plan to identify, develop, protect and leverage a company’s portfolio of IP assets. Successfully implemented, an IP strategy allows businesses to gain competitive advantage and drives profitability.

All IP Management Clinics share a common methodology, format and duration, though some offer different degrees of specialization in certain areas of IP. Participants benefit from various activities spread over a period, including:

  • One-on-one mentorship with renowned IP expert(s) selected by WIPO on how to better use IP for growth. A mix of IP-related expertise is on the panel, e.g. IP strategy, IP management, branding, valuation, licensing and franchising
  • Training opportunities and access to practical tools and services
  • Networking opportunities amongst peers


IP Labs Project welcomes all individuals or teams with innovative ideas for technology driven solutions-products that address real world challenges in their communities and globally, ranging from finance, job-creation, climate change, agriculture etc. To qualify, these ideas must have some form of intellectual property component to them.

Successful applicants will undergo the general mentoring program on startup development, design thinking, pitching and introduction to IP. Upon completion of stage one (1), there will be a further screening process of participants with scalable minimum viable product (MVP) possible of industrial application and subject matter of IP protection into stage two of the project – incubation, acceleration and IP Management Clinics (IPMC).

Click here to apply

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